What's to stop boostie boys from just making guilds?

This is what I’m confused about. Can’t Guilds hold like 1,000 players?? I’ve known Guilds / Clans in many games not just WoW and MMOs to have branches on multiple servers for a long time.

I guess you’re saying they will simply treat two Guilds on different servers even if they have the same name as two separate entities? That could help. Meaning the boosting guild on server X needs to fill 5 players that they don’t have for the carry on those particular classes from guild Y which is on a different server / branch of the guild… and Blizzard would restrict that.

Baby puke becomes more interesting if you puree meat lover’s pizza with onions and feed it to your baby regularly.


I thought the limit was 500.

I love it! Someone must start a wow band called The Boostie Boys.


No, the limit is Powerman 5000.


Y’all act like it’s going to be impossible to tell which groups doing the boosting are legitimate server guilds and which are going to be the “former” RMT boosting communities.

Pro-tip: Legitimate guilds on a server have schedules. Legitimate guilds wont be spamming their ads every 3-5 minutes. Legitimate guilds will develop a reputation of being a legitimate guild.

Nothing. Most of them are already in guilds. We’re going to see individual guilds spam trade chat in 9.2 if not already. I don’t think they will be as bad as the constant spamming by that one H group. It’ll make it a hell of a lot easier to ignore them as well.

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I’m gonna be based af here. I think every “org” that is doing boosts is doing RMT, I don’t care if they’re “letting blizzard see their books.” etc, they’re not going to show them how much money they got from it as that would put their whole shtick under water. I 100% believe they are all doing RMT, the peons probably aren’t getting anything as they’re peons…mindless drones just doing the bidding of the figure head.

Ya’ll wanna see the spam stop? Wanna see things clear up a bit? Start reporting them. Shouldn’t need an addon for that.



I actually like that group.

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I would think anything like suddenly having a guild branch out onto multiple servers would be a red flag to Blizz.
I’m sure some will skirt around the rules but, for a while anyway, they will be under extra scrutiny from the community as well as Blizzard. People in trade right now are just done with ads for boosts/carries and reporting anything and everything.

It’ll be nice to have all those ad bots gone either way. I don’t think actual raiders will risk losing accounts, even alt accounts, to sell a boost.


This is popularity fallacy though. Not a results-based statement. WoW was way bigger and more culturally relevant of a game with far more players when it tied very solid development and high levels of customer service via GMs to original Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath in particular.

At this time, the incentive was to act in a high quality fashion because that’s how you made money. Now that we’ve changed the model of making money, the gameplay has suffered. Maybe it’s not exactly correlation = causation, but in the case of WoW it’s a pretty high correlation.

MTX works in some games, but WoW is a “core gamer” audience type of game. Not some fire and forget mobile title made for dentist lobbies. It’s the wrong solution for this game. I get why they bothered to experiment with it, but it’s so clear that the jig is up. It’s very hard to argue that it has been good for the community as a whole. I’m really glad you were able to find a way to use token to keep playing during rough times, but that just cannot justify the costs to the whole community.

That’s a load of bull they are trying to push to fake legitimacy. Blizzard never uses outside sources, it has to be ingame and in their logs.

I like your idea better :slight_smile:

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I mean that’s the thing, ain’t it? They know who is doing what and when. It’s not hard to track these situations. They’re probably waiting for people to start being dumb and skating so they can full on slap their EULA and ToS with another patch. My assumption at least.

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No rule or guideline or anything else along those lines is going to crack down on the spam unless Blizzard hires some proper moderation.,

And they are too cheap and greedy to pay for that.

I think Blizzard should have it where anyone not meeting a certain threshold of engagement in any instanced content does not get the credit/achievement/achievement progress/title/mount/pet/gear/whatever from it.

Of course tanks and healers would have to measured different than the damage dealers but I am sure Ion-the-numbers-guy could figure it out.

You clearly haven’t kept up with anything regarding some of the accusations that have gotten thrown around about this. There are multiple that have shared their “books” with blizzard.

While I don’t think they are anymore legitimate for it, as I still fullheartedly believe they do RMT. Sharing their books or not doesn’t skip that step with me mentally and as a matter of fact it just makes it worse, since they would obviously not show the RMT situations.

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Thanks, that was actually a good song but I had never heard it. In my head I always thought of beasty boys as that old band with that one hit, (you gotta fight for your right to party)

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WoW has it’s relevancy because it was a revolutionary MMO for it’s time. It’s not because of it’s sub model. If it still worked, more games would use it.

The game has suffered for various reasons before the token was even a thing. It came in post major exodus.

You think that WoW is that kind of audience but they wouldn’t be expanding on that stuff if it didn’t sell.

that could be rough in some raid guilds, even at the mythic level. “oh sorry, you died 30 seconds in and we didn’t waste a brez because we didn’t think it would be a kill… everyone but you got the achievement and vault credit this week”