What's the worst part of Dragonflight professions?

There is no “worst part” because that would imply its not all hot garbage.

This is hands down the worst expansion that has ever existed for professions and its not even close.


No catch-up. I always had every profession among my alts, but I didn’t have time this release to do that with each of them.


The drop rate on sparks.

Seriously whoever designed the spark drop rate needs to be fired ASAP how could they think that designing the drop rate after legion legendaries (one of the most hated systems in the games history) could have possibly been a good idea.
You know its bad when the timegated quests are better than what we got.

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Casual here. I do professions every expansion only so I can enchant my own and friends’ gear and sell bags to make some cash. All of a sudden you need a doctorate in this. Inspiration? Sub-specialty? Sparks? Mettle? Quality points? A whole 'nother auction thing? Ew, I’ll just buy my enchants and sell all the mats.


Hit the search button with nothing in the field. It is stupid, but does pop up thibgs in your profession.

Putting in Max quality materials and not getting max quality items. I hate RNG. Maybe make the max qaulity materials harder to get or more expensive, but guarantee the result somehow.

I also hate having to find a crafter. I don’t want to log in to sit and shout in trade chat for an unknown length of time, to find someone I don’t know, who may or may not be able to do what they are saying they can do.


I hate being the crafter, trying to level up my skills, my specialization points time gated, and making subpar equipment TO level up my skills.

I tried to level up my skills by having my alts order stuff, but the primal chaos just isn’t there because I haven’t played my alt enough… crafting is just a hot mess.


I’ll be the rare voice who likes the DF crafting system and thinks it’s a vast improvement on prior professions, but I will say my least favourite thing is explaining how rank 3 illimited diamond cuts work… in my guild’s specific crafting discord channel… for the fifth or sixth time. Just scroll up, people!!!


The profession changes sounded good but are hot garbage. I’ve been stuck with inscription at 66 for weeks now. I’ve read all the advice on how to increase the level with crafting orders but nothing I do is increasing it and I can’t bring myself to care about it anymore. Guess I’m done with DF for now. Sweet expansion Blizz!!1!


Inscription definitely needs some help. Almost every other crafting profession has some gimmick item they can make up to 80-90. Tailoring fishing hats, for example. Inscription is hard stuck behind items that all require sparks to make, or are locked behind knowledge you cant even access depending which trees you selected first.

Treatises, vantus runes and more of the dragonriding customization patterns need to give skill up to a much higher level. And on that, the drake patterns need to be toned way down in material cost. Most gear doesn’t have the cost needed for these novelty unlocks.


Inscription has Splendid rolling pin from artisan rep, no sparks, no mettle needed.
And yes, it is not cheap to level.


I’ve given up, mostly on my inscription leveling. Maxed out the ink making and making missives and treatises. Slowly dumping to making staves (probably a mistake, but I currently don’t care).

Just like my leatherworker, blacksmith, and engineer stuck at less than 75. Maybe once a week I catch a poor player listing an armor piece or weapon and craft a subpar piece for them. My toon runs and hides with embarrassment after doing that.


I’ve resorted to making Darkmoon decks for my alts because they offer +3 skill, but it doesn’t feel great. I’m basically burning Primal Chaos, Sparks, and plenty of other important mats for gear that’s seemingly undertuned by design. Timegated profession gear should have been sourced from the AC vendor from the start. Forcing players to not only make accessories for others (or themselves, more often) but also spec into them to make them at levels that are worth using is just poor friction design. The implementation for Inscription is specifically annoying. Rolling pins - how exciting.


The worst part as an Alchemist has been the degree to which my ability to make gold is dictated so heavily to RNG. Most everything I can make is crafted at a loss without multi & inspiration procs. Even having heavily specialized into potions.

I have crafting runs that numerically should generate a small profit profit but come out as a decent loss due to bad RNG which sucks to just lose 15-20k because I got unlucky. Overall just haven’t enjoyed this change to the profession.


I think there are several things wrong with this profession system. I can’t really put one above the other as being the worst, they are all pretty bad:

  • You cannot level up beyond 55-60 unless you utilize the crafting order system.

  • The crafting order system is not being utilized on a level to benefit anyone.

  • The high level items you can make are BOP, so you cannot use the materials you’ve farmed to create items to sell.

  • I’ve read that as raids and mythics progress that more people will be utilizing the crafting order system. I personally do not see that happening when the items in raids/Mythics are at a higher level than what can be crafted.

  • In my opinion, there was not enough in game explanation on the new profession system. If there were going to be small changes to the profession system I could see not having much of an explanation. However, when there are drastic changes to the system or a completely new system (like the talent trees) there should be more in game explanation or tutorials. I have limited time I can spend playing wow each week. I do not want to spend my play time looking up how to do something on the internet because it’s not readily available in game.

I have been playing since 2006. I’ve lived through most of the growing pains. The problem is, the changes are just not worth the trouble. I do most of my game play solo. I don’t mind not being filthy rich. I do enjoy leveling my professions and playing at my own pace. It’s just very frustrating that you can’t even do that now. I don’t want things handed to me. I don’t mind “working” to get things in game. But this profession system is broken.

Change for the sake of change is not always a good thing.


^ This is false.

Try advertising that you will use your mats when you craft things for people, the vast majority of crafters (myself included) strongly prefer it when customers provide their own mats, since whatever I charge them for mats would have to be 5% higher than the AH price to break even on mats, since the order system takes a cut. You could probably work out a good niche if you were a heavy farmer and made it so people didn’t have to worry about what mat quality to buy and could just pay a set price.

The infused gear exists at kind of a middle ground, and is absolutely worthwhile. 415 is the max you can farm from m+, and comes from the first 4 bosses of mythic raid, 418 is higher than that. 421 from dathea/kurog and m+20 vault is only 3 ilevels better.

In most aspects, it’s a pretty intuitive system, and the quests explained it well enough. I came into the expansion with effectively 0 knowledge about the professions and it’s going pretty well for me so far.


You are not the only one to make this claim. However, I am among the many who have struggled to figure this all this out and I have to say that it is far from ‘intuitive’. The only thing that makes anything work is the persistence to gain knowledge points until perception can start kicking in enough to help.


I am with you. Always liked playing the professions and I am glad they put some complexity. Feels more engaging to me


I want to comment specifically at the WO system:

As a crafter, It’s frustrating to have my honest and skill somehow linked to how lucky (or not) I would get with a inspiration proc. Things normally get weird after failing a few attempts, then comes msgs like:
“Whats ur inspiration again?”
It’s not fair to blame the crafter for bad RNG. However, I understand the buyer as we can’t prove the numbers…So, I would like to see something done about it.
Also, please make the WO interface connected to the AH, so people can buy the mats and place a order quicker.

Even though I did some mistakes with my KP, I don’t think being able to reset it (or something similar) is a good idea, but do agree that tooltips could be more clear.

Other than this, I am having a good time


This is a joke…The reason for the massive reduction in Public Crafting Orders was to hurt the bots, seems to be hurting the rest of player base instead. There is about the same amount of orders up at any given time, most times none. I have ended up whispering players and seeing if they want to send their Public Order as a Personal Order because I don’t have any more charges for Public Crafting Orders. Between the reduction of Public Crafting Order charges as well as how broken the charge respawn is makes Public Crafting Orders almost useless.