What's the worst part of Dragonflight professions?

How? Shadowlands had pretty insane vendor prices for everything and even raised some of them. Like 8.8g per thread that you need 25 of to make a bag so that it ends up being 90% of your crafting cost or Legendary items needing 3k-5k worth of just vendor shards to make one base item, sometimes taking over half the crafting cost. Nothing in Dragonflight is close to that in terms of how much vendor mats cost.

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Training recipes are like 80-100g now, some are mid 100’s.
Primal flux used a lot is like 14 or 15g… vials 5g… want a better rank one then 8-10g, don’t remember. This just from memory but if you don’t think that it adds up and is generally up then what it usually used to be in past expansions then I don’t know how else to explain it to you.

Pretty much everything. It is a failure in every category. It’s timegated and restricted in ways that doesn’t take into account too many factors. Blizzard loves to design things based on how they imagine it to be rather than how things are.

I play on a server that is dead on my faction and thus there are no work orders, but the time gating of materials and specialization points is the worst part of all. If I decide to switch professions, I could just level it up and be done with it before, now I’m timegated into oblivion and will be months behind everyone else as I slowly chip away my specialization points.

This is not an “improvement”, they just timegated everything and sold us the lie that it was all for our benefit.

They could solve a huge amount of issues by simply having items be BoE and using the auction house, so we don’t have to spam trade chat, or rely on RNG in the work order system. But no, they want us using that because? Time gate restrictions.

That’s the only reason they want it there.


Among these valid complaints, I will add this: the fact that most reagents come in three different quality levels effectively triples the storage space you need to accommodate them, unless you are ruthless about managing what you keep.

I hate disposing of 1-diamond or 2-diamond parts because I would use them for the bogus personal crafting orders I need to close out the weekly quests, and many of them cost a lot to make, and would cost a lot to replace, but I haven’t used them up yet. (And the fact I keep getting more from bags and chests doesn’t help.)

So I fill up my bank and waste a lot of space in my bags and the low quality parts trick me when I try to do some high quality crafting. (“I have plenty of serevite bolts; oh, crap, they’re all level 1, now I gotta trudge to the AH to get more ore.”)


The worst thing about professions is that they spent valuable development resources creating a system that is confusing at best. At it’s worst, it is a byzantine road to nowhere. By the time most crafters can get to the good stuff, it will already be irrelevant.

Coming in a strong second is the fact that some professions actually have a viable route while others are just hopeless.

If it was designed to give maniacal mythic guilds another route to gearing up for the World first race, then it may have some merit. If that is so, it means another round of recipes for higher end gear in the future. But I’m not holding my breath on that.


Here’s something sort of specific that occurred to me this week: one of my least-favorite aspects of the current profession system is that, with high resourcefulness, and especially in situations where you have a chance to gain back some Awakened Order, crafting orders for others can become more of a flush daily transmute than actual transmutation…?

Please, please make transmutation better.

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My issues with the new system.
Players are always going too choose crafters with the best Rank Up,how does any new crafter get Work Orders too skill up.

Recipes and Designs RNG Gated behind rares and ridiculous amounts of renown.
Not every player has millions or hundreds of thousands of gold too drop on recipes/designs.
Point System more gating in content and completely not needed,no resets either if make a mistake.
This is probaly the worst crafting system implemented.Also materials didnt need to be ranked sure have procs on the gear but having all these types of materials is not needed.
Well back to grinding gated rares for recipes and designs simply to craft,thanks blizz.


If you’ve been clearing your WQs every week, you should have been max renown at the absolute latest 3 weeks ago. None of the recipes come from max renown either, so you should have had all your important renown recipes before then.

The recipe costs depends on your prof tbh, the alchemy potion and lariat being as expensive as they are is probably a little bit too restrictive, but the reward is certainly there as well. All the other recipes I looked at were around what I’d expect given the demand for them.

Shoulda read the trees better, with a few exceptions, the worthless stuff was pretty obvious from the start

I’ll agree that maybe 3 ranks of materials is too much. If it was 2 ranks, having a regular quality and then a good quality would serve to differentiate that enough where you could get something slightly worse crafted for cheaper, or have a better item with the better mats.

Absolute nonsense. I haven’t missed a single WQ and my renowns are 25/26/20/21 today. And I play a ton. Way too much. Casual players aren’t going to be anywhere near that.

To be max renown you have to have been no-lifing tedious garbage like the Hunts. Realistically nobody should be expected to do any of those (Feast/Siege/Hunt) more than once a week for the bag. Or of course the always-has-been-stupidly-OP Human rep bonus.

The fact that the new profession system heavily rewards no-lifing is my answer to the original question for this thread. Once upon a time the game took a responsible approach to that stuff, and some of the changes they make suggest that voice is still there somewhere, but it certainly didn’t get anywhere near professions.


You’re just actually lying. If you have done literally every single WQ since launch, you should be max renown with every faction. I got my last Dragon Isles rep on January 12th, 16 days ago. It was Dragonscale Expedition, I didn’t dirt farm and missed a few resets of the climbing and cataloguing world quests. The human bonus is 3 renown levels over the course of the entire renown track for Tuskar/Accord and 2.5 for expedition/centaur. It’s not “no lifing” to do the soup twice a day on war mode. It’s definitely possible to be 25 centaur without the hunts if you’re keeping up with your WQs and the nomad semi-weeklies. Even with the hunts, yeah they were a little bit no life, but it’s not exactly prohibitive to just afk in a 40 man group and collect your free rep for flying to the new tent every 3-5 minutes while you do something else. Valdrakken doesn’t even require camping the siege event, just do your pvp daily world quests and that makes up for it.

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Not everyone has played from Day one,i came back after a 2 year break like 1 week ago,and theres little catchup mechanics so as i stated we aren’t all maxed renown.And recipes at millions or hundreds of K gold dont help.

Plus dragon knowledge is way too rare,shouldnt be this hard to level up.


So you’ve been back for a week, and you want to be at the same effectiveness as someone who has played the whole 2 months of the expansion?


I think the worst part is Inspiration turning the high end of some professions into outright gambling, especially ones that focus on consumables. It’s killed my motivation to max out enchanting, knowing that if I want to sell weapon enchants I’ll just be throwing a bunch of very expensive mats into a slot machine.


Anybody who’s been back a week could already be reasonably competitive in M+, raiding, or PvP if they were to put a bit of time and some gold into it. Not the same with professions for some reason.

As far as getting renown goes, I did not religiously do every single world quest, but I did do the bulk of them and kept up with the weeklies on my main. I think he’s in mid- to high teens for most factions. So yeah, I do think it would take deliberately squeezing every last rep point to cap renown with all factions a month ago… but the real question is why even bother at this point. Unless the goal is specifically to be able to do crafts for own characters, it’s far easier to find somebody in /2 who can do it a lot better for far less. Great system.

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You did the research and the work, gratz to you. Shame on you for shaming anyone who has not. Every plays their own way. Perhaps you could instead share some of your resources for information? Better to be helpful than to look down on people. I’ve done some research but I’d rather play the game first and only research when I feel I really need to. Also, much of the info I have found is now outdated and does not seem to help like it was suggested it would.

Also, at least some of the recipes are locked until rep 15 and 22 so that’s still a roadblock for many. I’ll be 22 soon, though. Do you get some of your rep from dungeons and raids as well?


I’m not sure I really “did the research.” Coming into the expansion, I didn’t know anything about the profession changes other than “Work orders exist, sparks exist, BOP gear is good, and prof specs exist.” It’s not quite rocket surgery to scroll through the ingame renown track to see what it gives you. From there it’s “oh wow, tuskaar has a lot of LW stuff, guess I better do the feast whenever I can” and “oh hey, the group I joined to do my weekly centaur hunt says it’s a ‘farm’ group, I guess that means it might be worth it for people to do these over and over.” As for dungeons, I just did the quests at the end of every zone, and then weekly quests if it happened to be an m+ I was running. I did 1 uldaman after the season started and was like “this is no bueno”


The excessive amount of mats needed to craft anything and it all being bop.


Here’s a new one: Darkmoon Deck: Dance is simming better in AOE than Darkmoon Deck: Rime. The entirety of Darkmoon needs design review, but it seems mostly abandoned at this point. Nice.

The worst part is making a public order and getting back a rank 3 item or under back because then you need to go recraft 5-10 times to get the item you actually want instead of the vendor trash version.

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As a JC & Enchanter. I like to craft my own stuff. I don’t enjoy farming Storms for the Elemental Lariat or the ring from the Elemental Bound Chest. Both feel like an abhorrent abuse of our real time to wait around for things to happen just for the chance that you could get what you’re after on a 1% drop rate that anyone can get and sell on the AH. It’s a kick in the pants to test how tolerant a person is to put up with it. I’m getting burnt out again like in SL over this BS.