What's the purpose of Achievements if it's not Account-wide

Knew better than to click on this one.

People in this community seem allergic to actual good suggestions.

yeah i realized that after i posted it and thought it was funny so i left the post. ty for correcting me :slight_smile:

They have 100% individuality and they are still playing the AH when I’m not on.

That’s pure opinion. I like having them be individual to each character. This is as far as I’m going in the Classic series. So when I finally get around to leveling up alts of other classes I’ll know exactly what I achieved on each character or class and what I’ll still have to do.

This has always been how I preferred the achievement system to work. I don’t think of all my toons as some amorphous blob all stuck together. Each one is individual.

Except they aren’t individual, they don’t log in when you log off and play the game and have personalities because there peak delusion.

You log in and spend time and you want that time respected and acknowledged across your entire account like a normal functional adult, this argument was already has years ago and they moved to account wide on retail.

The fact that none of my achievements carry means I don’t even want to play alts, the fact that RDF doesn’t exist also adds to that factor too

Again, pure opinion and perspective. If it was fact we wouldn’t being differing in what we thought of it. In fact you wouldn’t be here making threads about something you don’t agree with because they wouldn’t have done it if it was fact like you seem to think it is.

It’s not opinion or perspective, this is a reboot of an old MMO. The actual WoW team faced this same situation over a decade ago and a majority of the community including blizzard moved to account wide for a reason.

Not including cross server, account wide and RDF amongst other QoL features is what is killing off any interest in Classic.

Killing off interest? Do you see how many people play Classic? A good amount. I’d say there is plenty of interest.

Do you see how many raid log? Do you see how many don’t level alts causing the 1-70 LFG to die out due to boosts as wel? Do you not see how slow even 70 - 80 leveling is only 3 weeks in?

I’m on Grobb and barely anyone is even in open world questing anymore for what people considering the greatest xpac ever and we’re not even a month in.

A couple more weeks of this and the only people left will be the ones too slow to realize what’s happening and the thousands of DK bots on every server.

Not everyone plays with the same goals. Many are casual. They’ll raid if they can find a raid friendly group, otherwise they’ll stick to dungeons and world content.

But again. I see it differently then you do. You seem to see things as absolutes, and won’t change your mind. So I will stop here because it’s going nowhere and leave you with a “Have a good day.”

Kinda sounds like you’re projecting:

Typically people can see the wrongs in their views but you are as stubborn as you claim I am.

People will claim its a MoP system and so its bad and at the sametime enjoy their Mercenary Mode in PVP and other various post WOTLK system.

Personally I don’t truly care about Achievements to begin with, I nearly did them all in Retail and I don’t feel like doing them again.

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Nah I’m with you I don’t really care either but man when I saw that my red proto drake didn’t count on my alt I just stopped caring about achieves in general lmao.

Like who tf is gonna go do that on multiple toons? I felt dumb at that point even doing it in a single toon, if I would’ve known I wouldn’t even have done itZ

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Its what I did back in the days I only focus all my achievements on a single character which was my main until MoP came out.

Achievements are character based as are rewards in wrath, that’s how it was back then and that’s how it will stay now.

While it may seem annoying at first some valid points can be raised, first of all playing an alt doesn’t mean that the player is aware of how to play a healer or a tank in an instance when they had previously played as a DPs. Mechanics of fights like raids and heroics are important.
The mount part is a little anooying but then again if its account based then do retail players now get all their retail mounts on a fresh server of a classic version? Seems a little unfair to the whole fresh concept…

As someone who has played vanilla to cata I see where you initially coming from but let me remind everyone that achievements are imperfect.
When achievements were released they had no way of knowing who did what prior to achievments unless of course you had a piece of gear from a boss or vendor.
For example my main, that I used up until cata was missing so many achievements because I simply refused to go back and do them just to get an achievement which gave little to no reward.
Was I there before wsg existed, yes, did I clear all classic raids and watch the aq gates open while dcing every 30sec for 8hr yes… But does wow recognize that we even did most of the stuff in vanilla? No.

It’s not a perfect system but it allows fresh realms to be fresh and that is a bigger attraction to the player base then to appease die hard players that want all their shiny things on Evey character in every realm.

Each character has to prove its own worth with you behind the keyboard, just because someone is the realms top PvP and pve hunter doesn’t mean that they will be a even a good main raid tank.

  • it forces those that chase achievements to invest more time and thus money if they really want something

So answer this:

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Haven’t PvPd on classic wrath so I’m unaware of what this is.

Also the statement above was general, clearly… The full explanation is listed above of course.

I would be fine with wrath the way it was, I played it and enjoyed it while not perfect nothing is.
Trying to get achievments account bound may work on retail, and maybe it should but it will have to be approved on retail before it has a glimmer of hope in any classic game. To which it won’t happen because a fresh realm start is more appealing to more new subscribers/ lost subscribers.

Getting all those candy buckets of Kalimdorazerothoutland on 20 characters is :expressionless:

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