Now that we basically have a personal “guild” bank that can share stuff with every character on the account, what exactly is the point of void storage?
What’s the point now? There hasn’t been a point to void storage since Legion removed the need to store items you wanted to use for transmog.
Wait, we sill have void storage? lol
I forgot all about that, wonder whats in there.
That’s the last time I think I looked at void storage.
I would put more old gear in there if it didn’t strip enchants and gems. Or at least that’s how I think it works. Or worked.
I used to keep what I was wearing at the end of each expansion as a kind of trophy. I ran out of bank space on my main a long time ago. I haven’t done this for the past however many expansions though.
I’m not a pack rat on Alts tho lol
thanks for reminding me i usually forget about it now i can put my nostalgic gear in there to reminisce the better times
I pulled my onyxia scale cloak out of it to get the chest in the caverns in DF
Things you want to keep “just cuz”
It’s an oubliette for keepsakes.
There are some items I just like having. I want more than just the xmog… I want the ACTUAL ITEM.
Like, I was there for the AQ event and I have both of the full sets, the full blue and full purple sets, of the “Blessed Slayer” sets.
So could I just get rid of them “since I have the xmog?” Sure.
Ain’t no way I’m EVER getting rid of those! lol
There are a ton of other items I just like having.
The only real problem I have with VS is that it’s only two tabs. Expand that to five or more. Why not? No one’s MAKING you use it.
edit: I also have my original T3 set in there. It might not be such a big deal now, it’s really just a financial barrier that prevents anyone from having T3. But once you have it, even if you “merely” spend 5-8M g on it… wouldn’t you want to keep the pieces?? Instead of just “got it… TRASH!”
I know I would…
Well for one you can store all your legendary gear, except for weapons for some reason.
I put things in there to open up my bank because as the hoarder I am, it’s constantly full.
Probably why I have 3 banker toons.
Cleaned one of those banks recently. All tabs were pretty well full. Things from as far back as Wrath. lol
I take my hoarder title seriously.
Although I need to go look in it since I really don’t remember what’s all in there.
It had a different compression. Middle out, I think.
You have 3.2 million gold for that bank? I don’t. I’ll just keep my 7 slot guild bank and blizz can shove it.
Void storage has always been for hanging on to sentimental items or cool things you don’t want to sell or delete.
I wish it worked for things other than gear, and I wish it worked for unique items. I have a Mallet of Zul’Furrak, a Scepter of Celebras, old Karazhan rings, and old legendaries sitting in my bank because they can’t be deposited.
Honestly, the only reason I ever used it was for things I absolutely didn’t want to delete or sell. I’m sure mine still has a bunch of Legiondaries in it.
Pretentious much? You know what a gold sink is, right?
The average player isn’t going to need every tab unlocked. Just about everyone else should be able to get by with the first tab, two tops as that’s only 26K gold at 1K and 25K respectively. Hell, I’ve got like three characters I regularly play along with a handful of other max level alts. Even my main has never had a fully stocked reagent bank. I came close in DF, but never managed to totally fill it out.
The entire purpose is to try to take a little bit of gold out of the economy, mostly from that one guy we all either know or have seen that has 5+ gold capped characters.
Hold legendaries you cant vendor or destroy.
I dont remember even what I have in Void Storage.
I’m super paranoid and store Transmog things in there 'cause I don’t trust Blizz to just mess with my “already known list”. I still use it, and I’m the odd-man out that prefers character identity over account identity.
What you see on my characters, is what you get. They earned what they have and not because my account did it.
Are we really complaining about extra space? Alot of people like to save old transmog even if they dont NEED to keep it.
Nothing wrong with void storage. Extra space is always good. We have far too many items in game and 36 slot bags don’t cut it.
The collection of Legiondaries in mine say “hello.” (also a bunch of items that should be toys but aren’t for some reason that need to sit somewhere until they’re made into toys)