Whats the point of playing alts?

yeah, im not much on alts either. i do have a few max level characters, for profeesions mainly, but i will never put the effort into them as i would my main.

there has been points though where theres just nothing to do, luke when raid is on lock out and the only m+ upgrades are from the vault not a run.

but i feel the same way when im on an alt.

Typically for me I play seasons by having a main that I do all content with (eg. I try filling all my vault slots), and then I have one or two alts that I mainly play PvP with because it is super easy to get into & far less grindy than PvE

Last season I mained my Mage & played my Warlock/Priest as pvp alts

This season I swapped to main my Paladin & Mage/Warlock for pvp alts

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/8 char

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so when they spin the nerf wheel you have something to fall back on.

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I have all classes at 70 and most are over 400ilvl (if not over, very close), with this character being the highest.

Sure, it will take me a couple weeks to get the mythic achieves and a bit longer to get the CE raiding achieve, but I feel my progress is keeping up enough even with alts.

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Because some people (like myself) refuse to run M+ on my main for any specific items. I do up to 8 Mythics max to fill vault and call that toon “done” for the week.

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Also this. I know a lot of people are total turbodoomers about the game but I think current game design makes playing other things a lot more fun nowadays than it used to be. I like to mix it up…and it is also super alt-friendly compared to Legion-SL

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More alts means more free gold from doing Dragonriding world quests.

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Alts exists because never ending balance reworks/poor scaling/hotfixes will crap all over your main.

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I like hunters and warriors. But Bert is not around, so it looks like I will be maining a hunter. I experimented with a shadow priest, and a druid. There is a lit of lore for druids, but I just have never been partial to them. But- i did try.

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Idk who that is, but whenever an old white man in a powdered wig says something it’s usually legit

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You’re not falling behind unless you’re a CE player. If you’re just a heroic player or casual, doing a few m+ and raids is fine. Also “falling behind” is about personal perspective. WoW is a game and right now there’s thousands of players playing for hours in classic willing to throw away their time and effort playing hardcore. The gearing is also so much better this season, you’ll probably cap out your gear faster.

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I personally love my alt army. I’m not out to do mythics or top level stuff. I do like making gear, vials, enchants, etc. for my toons. That’s how I can fill orders, I send to myself. Most of my characters are geared okay with the latest stuff from Forbidden Reach to 395. I’m getting them to the Caverns. Again, not looking for the stress of rushing through dungeons or raiding on a team. I rather quest or do older content to farm mounts, pets, achievements, rep, transmog, etc. when I get bored on one character, I go to another, and so on. So I do like the alt army, it works for my play style. You can run mythics and stress over your stats if that gives you happiness. If we all played exactly the same, oh how boring the World…of Warcraft could be.

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Sometimes you like to swap mains every season. Some people have favourite pvp and PvE classes.