Whats the point of playing alts?

Let me add an example of the life of an Altoholic

Play a healer? All DPS are low and standing in things. Runs take forever.
Switch to DPS? Everyone is dying. Tank isn’t holding aggro.
Switch to tank? No heals, you keep dying in simple pulls.

DPS > No heal in the BG, other team has 8 and your team mates don’t focus on healers.
Switch to Healer > No peel, you’re getting focused 100% by the pro-gamer enemies.

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Several reasons:

  1. Burn out: If you play one class (and especially one spec) for an extended period of time you are going to burn yourself out and you’re going to do it hard.
  2. Comprehension: playing other roles and classes improves not only your understanding of your main but also how groups can work together in cohesion. This is critical for raiding.
  3. Composition: Sometimes you’re group or raid team is going to need someone who can fill in a niche to improve the general makeup of the raid team; like if there are already 4 warriors in your 10 man raid team being the fith brings far less value then a warlock or a mage or a hunter or a shaman.
  4. Fun: Sometimes changing up your class can give you some sexy new gameplay; going from arms warrior to enhance shammy was a hoot since I went from a methodical heavy feeling gameplay to a proc laden unga bunga mashfest. I still like my arms warrior and still main it, but enhance shammy is ridiculous.
  5. Proffesions: I like crafting and mat gathering and I can only have two on a character.
  6. Narrative: As silly as it might sound, every character feels to me like they have their own story, their own personality and lore and having a plethora of them just feel so much more fulfilling then just the one.
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Im mental so I cant settle on a main.

I enjoy all ranged specs and a few melees so I gotta hit them all or I get the shakes.

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Fury warrior plays differently than frost dk which plays differently than destro lock which plays differently than devastation evoker so on and so forth

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I take it the shtick you’re going with is to just regularly post threads complaining about literally anything in the game to get some sort of notoriety?

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If i get burned out on one character, i can switch to another. They seem to be pretty friendly with the catch up mechanics, rn, so i’m thinking about levelling my DH since i just finished my warrior. Then i can spam run mythics on all of them all i want to keep them as geared as i want as time permits.

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Not pointless, but they’re less fun than previous expansions

Personally I like to milk my alts for “low-hanging fruit” easy gold, but it turns out all the gold-making methods for solo-casual players “dried up” in Dragonflight, so rip on that :desert: :desert: :desert: :weary: :desert: :desert: :desert:

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In BfA it was worthwhile to run an Alliance and a Horde to get all of the story.

In SL it was worthwhile to run one for each covenant, again, more story.

In DF, I haven’t found any great need yet to run an alt. Typically what will happen in Piddy here will plateau, and that’s when it’s worthwhile to crack open an new one, rush it through the older expansion content, and milk the catchup gear.

If nothing else, it gives you a variety and a base for next expansion to have a stable of already leveled toons.

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I don’t feel I’m hurting anything. I’ve got an entire season to do what I want. It’s only week 3. We all make our own choices in how we play.

Definitely no.

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It just depends. As i was climbing IO there was only so much head smashing in the 22s or 23s i could do.

Also play different toons for different roles so i can learn better. That was when i really started climbing in IO cause i could better anticipate damage use defensive accordingly as a dps. Surviving means a lot in those higher keys so it helps a lot. Knowing what ilvl tanks would do cause i have a tank so i coild also use my dps cds better and more effeciently for better theoughput

I have a evoker healer, prot warrior/prot pally, and a range dps.

I meanly play my evoker healer as it is significantly more geared but nothing beaides my evoker got over 2k i was really just messing around with them

“Getting behind” on your main, or “Not progressing enough” Implies winning or losing at a game with no true winning or losing when there is a foregone conclusion that the players win every xpac. Its how you spend your time between pre launch, where the gear you have currently is about to be worthless, and end of xpac., when your gear you progressed on becomes worthless. Since none of it actually matters. I like alts, try new classes and races, play old stuff, play new stuff, all good.

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Then don’t play one.

I play alts just to do something different for a while. I also don’t attempt to play optimally, because that just ruins the fun of the game. People get so focused on maximizing everything they forget to just have fun.

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I play too many alts and still have fun lol


One word: Professions
Two words: Alt parking
Three words: Twinks for PvP
Four words: Because they want them


This is the best of all reasons to play an alt.


I really don’t like when I see the phrase “falling behind” used so much. I get it (sort of) when folks talk about things like dailies, although I still disagree. But when it comes to alts that’s literally your choice of how to use your WoW time.

This isn’t falling behind, this is letting go on purpose.

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alts are just some free time to use to get away from your main like take a break breath lol

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My friend who no longer plays tells the story of how someone asked that question during Legion. He replied, “No reason at all. Now excuse me while I go shovel gold into my bags on my alts.”

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Why do you spam mythic+ and progressing your main, when new patch reset your gear progress every few months?

According to your logic, it is totally pointless to play main.

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