Whats the point of playing alts?

I could spam run mythic+ dungeons on my main because the hamster wheel is endless so any time im not progressing my main by playing my alt im hurting my main therefore its pointless to play alts. So…why do we even have them?

Maybe cap dungeon runs per day so we can actually play alts without falling behind?

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Some people build wide, some people build tall.

It’s no so much about there being a point as it is about about being an option.


Right now, progression is my priority so alts have to wait. Once I’m happy with where my main is and I feel like I’m running stuff over and over in hopes of getting a 3 ilvl upgrade on an item that refuses to drop (and getting really bored as a result), that’s when I take an alt out of the moth balls.

Learning about other classes can be important. Sure you can watch a video, but it doesn’t compare to actually trying all classes.

They can feed the main gold, resources and other things.

If you’re into collecting, it can help with RNG by having more available runs per week.

Does having alt benefit min-maxers pushing the limit of the 0.01%? As you said, all the time you spend on your alt isn’t spent on perfecting your mains skill and loot. If you’re looking to get better at a class, then playing it is advisable. You could have multiple of the same class at max level, there you would still have a benefit of having multiple alts while perfecting your class skills.


I have an alt army because:

  • I make everything I need myself so nice to have all professions
  • Mount and transmog farming
  • Speaking of transmog, I like to dress up the different classes. They are kind of like action figures (not dolls… fine, like dolls)
  • Class specific story lines
  • I like leveling in old dungeons and/or doing old quests lines

in all honesty For me I played alts because it literaly took me years to learn classes, and to try and see what feels best for me. It was a long journey…IT helps if u want to learn for pvp on what enemies have what cooldowns, umm other than that transmogs, and having an alt army for future mogs, generally though i think one toon is best.

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point of playing alts: to learn other classes and specs. To potentially try out a new main, or just a toon you have to craft stuff on.


I find it fun to play different specs and classes in easy content. It’s a timewaster for sure, but I like it better than any of my other hobbies at the moment.

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I am an avowed alt-aholic. i am also a long time “serious casual”.

I tend to have toons to tank, dps, and heal. I more or less play all of them in the LFR and mid-level mythic content. I am clearly not pushing end game content to its limits.

So for me, it’s whatever strikes my fancy. Sometimes I really get into a toon.

I hadn’t intended to really tank in season 1, but I ended up running my prot warrior to 2k rating and then hopped over to havoc DH and did the same thing. I did not find healing rewarding as an evoker so I didn’t push that toon.

I have since leveled up my long-term favorite healer resto shaman, which I guess fortunately for me is now the flavor of the month healer.

My only disappointment at the moment is that the havoc spec has been nerfed a bit. prot warrior is fine for the content I run, but prot pally is obviously FOTM-META-DEFINING-MUST-HAVE tank. w/e

i’ll just keep plugging way as I like.

it is a game, right?


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I like having multiple classes to play because I get bored playing a single class all the time.


For variety. To experience different classes, playstyles, professions, etc.

I’d be bored out of my skull playing the same solitary character for almost 20 years straight.


To have every class maxed out.

To enjoy both factions.

Themes to build around.

Class order halls.

Like certain races a lot.

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i wouldn’t say there’s a point, exactly, to my playing so many alts. more of a round shape like a ball i kick around and play with and relax on and stuff. i know it’s pointless but i don’t really care anymore. in a way it’s kind of sad but it’s just the truth. i am the same way about my life too.

its called boredom. alts give you that break you need. you been playing this game forever ain’t many classes excite you that much saying omg look at this all new exciting stuff. really though it’s good to change up.

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some play alts because it’s just fun, others do it for practical purposes, others still do it to learn another role or class. There are several reason why people play an alt. I play mine because once the main gets boring or I’m happy where they are, I’ll hop on an alt for a different feel of play.

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I just want to try out different characters.

I’m not intending on pushing any kind of serious content. I’m gearing enough to run old instances and go around the world with zero issues.

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Some content is more fun on other classes. For example, I have a hunter specially to play random BGs.

Sometimes I get bored of the main, and want to try something new in hopes that maybe that will reignite the fun of the game. Although usually I get burned out gearing the alt and just revert to my main.

There are profession alts as well. Although I rarely have motivation to have an alt just for a profession if I don’t play them actively.

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It’s like Pokémon

Gotta play them all :dracthyr_nod:

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