What's the point of letting the Forsaken be?

I do really wish they would move the forsaken on from Lordearon over to Northrend. They have for more connection to northrend and the remaints of the scourge than the do to Lordearon. Even now there are probably more living lordearon citzens than there are undead as Sylvanas was off raising other nations dead to fill her armies.

The Alliance needs Lordearon back to take back that part of their story they lost(war 2, war3)

That story is over. It was concluded in wc3 with the armageddon of the human race. The on going problem with wow is the insistance of glossing over that little detail.


Then the same could be said for the forsaken considering they were almost wiped out, they are in no shape to stop the Alliance from walking back up and taking back the lands they once held(techincally the alliance already had but left for no reason?)

I would love stories exploring the Old world rather than these new lands blizzard keep making up. Couldn’t care less about the Dragon Isle because one it belongs to the dragons so not like they are going to allow anyone else to take it over. Two because they will be forgotten about as soon as the Expac finishes. Blizzard is just to scared to shake up the Status quo for the Horde as the player base would probably revolt if they lost an actual city for good.

The alliance army was wiped out at Lordaeron, lack of gasmasks and being thick enough to try storming a citadel without laying siege for a couple of months beforehand. Think about that for a second or two.

And every forsaken troop in the city was also killed by same said gas or by the army. Also all civilians were evacuated which meant that there was nobody to oppose them.

Now the Forsaken have no way to replenish their ranks they are basically just a civilian force with very few available troops. They have no weapons or plague either as all stores of it were used to destroy the city.

Again I think it would be far more interesting if Turalyon set a course for taking back his home town from the Forsaken with the backing of genn and other factions who want to see their homes taken back. Lets get an old world revamp and an actual war story that makes sense.

People want Lordaeron so bad that they would practically give up an entire continent for it? I’ll take that deal.

The didn’t lose a part of their story, they had a story about losing something. Because that’s how stories work. And it was a pretty good one they don’t need to undo just cuz some WoW fans don’t really get that fantasy worlds shouldn’t work like a Monopoly game where you try to “have” the most things.


honestly, I doubt it as well with the current writers at the helm which is sad. Hopefully Metzen can course correct them and help them get back to the writing that made War 3 so much more nuanced.

It just feels that the storys in the Old world would be far more interesting than just another selection of super powered dragons that need to be put down…

some of the best writing we had is the ones where the alliance actually does morally grey as it actually gives us something to discuss. there wasn’t really anything to discuss about the the War of thorns as it was pretty obvious who was the bad guy in that situation and there was little to no real motivation behind it than “blah im evil”

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It’s cute watching people talk about armies and numbers and losses like it matters. In order for the lore of this game to make sense by now, every person in this universe would need to be birthed from spores that reached adulthood in a week, including the undead.


Personally I’d rather the idea of a living Lordaeron stay dead forever. To me, not being able to go back to the way things were is an important part of the forsaken story.

If they hypothetically had to move to Northrend, the only way I’d see that being “okay” is if the entire land mass of Lordaeron was vaporized or something, to ensure it stayed gone.


Yeah population is never something that’s actually visually expressed in game, and only vaguely talked about in stories outside of the game.

True numbers mean nothing in the game, but they never really explained why the alliance simply up and left after the siege when there was absolutely no opposition left from the Horde.

Id just prefer a Living Lordearon run by Turaylon to a stormwind run by Anduin, Let Anduin go neutral with his city. Let the Alliance get Lordearon back with the story behind this push to recapture the Alliance of old.

Numbers kind of do matter for me, at least in regards to blood elves since blizzard stated that 90% of their population was killed by the scourge. That’s a pretty high percentage rate right there, and yet the Belves haven’t been shown to be incapable of fielding any soldiers for a military campaign for the horde.

Doesn’t the alliance have enough of its old self to expand on instead of chasing after Lordaeron? Between Stormwind and Kul’tiras, and the potential of Gilneas and Stromgarde coming back, it looks to me that the alliance has a glut of human potential to draw on already.

I’d happily trade Stormwind for Lordearon. Stormwind has nothing going for it. they haven’t played up any of its history or unique elements. Its just a carbon copy of what lordearon was but without the History that ties it to the Alliance. Last time Stormwind was relevant was warcraft 1 and even then it was completely wiped out.

Yeah, blood elves as a race make no sense especially when you consider those who survived have now divided into High elves and Void elves as well. however, they are the only thing that made the Horde a popular enough faction to keep faction balance back at the time.

I could genuinely see them retconning that, but I hope they don’t.
It’s an interesting dynamic, and I’m tired of WoW’s curses getting neutered.
As for those NPCs…
Calia is a special case, regardless of what Maldraxxus says.
Faol is too. Utilizing the Light directly “cures” the mental instability of Undeath, with the tradeoff being incredible pain and discomfort.
And even Voss went through her own arc of mental issues. I agree that NuVoss just ignores her past, but it’s still technically there. She just got better.

Ah, yes.
Waste troops and resources holding a blight-blasted ruin swarming with feral Undead.
That sounds like a wise strategy as World War 4 breaks out.

Either way, Lordaeron died.
Let it stay dead.
Or, rather, Undead.

I’ma take a shot in the dark and say that committing troops to a blighted ruin in a dying landscape took a back seat to active warfronts in pursuit of Sylvanas.

To be fair I don’t think Blood elves ever been presented as horde front line, rather as auxiliary or specialists. Frontline usually consists of core horde orc, tauren and troll.

The kings and queens of “Shouldn’t Have the Numbers they Do” are Draenei.

Draenei lost 90% of their own numbers to a road.
Then even more devolved into Lost Ones.
Then even more died when the Exodar crashed.
Then even more died in Azeroth’s countless conflicts.
Then even more died when the Legion directly attacked the Exodar.

Yet they were still able to spearhead Argus’ assault.
Good for them.


There are multiple reasons for the Alliance to secure it, There is alot of land that isn’t plagued like the areas around south shore, silverpine also the lands can be cleansed.

It secures the Alliance against further aggression from the horde. Without the forsaken around to ruin more lands or keep pressing into alliance lands. The Forsaken have shown to be very aggressive and willing to use chemical warfare of populations.

Even if it just prevented a Forsaken presence in the Eastern kingdoms it would be a Huge for the security of the Alliance.

Geh I hate the Draenei more than I Hate the blood elves, Nothing but blue humans that took everyhting the Alliance already had and was just simply better than all the other races.