What's the point of a fresh server?

What is it accomplishing? I’m just curious, I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, I just want to understand the motivation.

It seems that there would still be gold buying, boosting, purchaseable boosts to 58, etc. There wouldn’t be players with hundreds of thousands of gold at the start, but eventually there would be.

-Progressing through the patches rather than all content is already unlocked.

-Everyone starts level 1 and fills old Azeroth and old content. We like enjoying all of wow, not just the Xpac content.

-Dungeons can’t be boosted because there are no high levels.

-Merchants and players are given a gentle nudge to discover ways to make gold to achieve their goals. (Rather than having all your gold saved up for the next 2 xpacs and more)

-New player community results in new experiences and stories to tell.


Start the race over?

I think a couple fresh classic only would be nice for those of us who couldn’t play till later in cycle.

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Back in original WoW Blizzard would release new servers periodically because their playerbase was rapidly growing, but also because people are far less likely to want to play if they always feel like they are months behind no matter how hard they work.

It’s the same story with private servers, fresh servers open with big populations, everyone is leveling, questing, and doing dungeons together… everyone feels like they have a chance to compete. Around mid-late AQ40 time many people burn out and quit and the server isn’t able to attract new players because people don’t want to constantly feel months behind so the server would slowly die out after Naxx.

Blizzard’s solution is to just release a 58 one-time boost so new players can try it without having to feel months behind everyone else but I think they’ll soon realize that it won’t be enough. They’ll have to do fresh servers at some point.


Why didn’t they just release Naxx at the start of classic? If you can answer that then you have your answer.

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Yes exactly this. Progressing through the patches and from beginning to end.

I hate to tell you, but there will be boosting happening the first week of a fresh server. It might not be for gold but people will do it for their guildies. Unassisted 1-60 leveling is already sub 2 days with mages and by that point people should be at marauden ready to get boosted up.

I genuinely don’t understand the difference between fresh and just starting over and doing hardcore style rules to only trade within your community. Obviously you can pass on the delete part, but this is a player enabled “fresh.” You don’t need Blizzard to hold your hand.

Making gold this time around will be a little more difficult because players will hold onto resources more rather than trying to get gold knowing how much inflation occurs. To make inflation worse, bots will infiltrate the game earlier and make it worse.

TL:DR - Fresh launch has already sailed.

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What about the patches? The biggest difference between fresh and “just starting over” is that right now no matter what, if you play by just “starting over” the server will still be in the final phase 6 patch.

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It’s for people that rage quit in phase 3 over bruised egos.

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Oh. So you’re arguing against fresh servers because you don’t like someone somewhere who also wants fresh servers. Got it. It has nothing to do with you wanting a healthier system for WoW for Blizzard overall.

What about people who had to deal with massive life situations they couldn’t control last year like Covid-related issues or family issues, or people who had to go through things like surgery or losing their jobs, so they were unable to continue playing anymore? No? Those people don’t get to try a restart?

What about the players 5 years from now who are finished with Wrath classic, and want to go back and play the whole thing over again from fresh Vanilla classic? They don’t get to do that either?

It helps if you respond to a post so we can understand the context of your reply.

People have real-life situations all the time that prevents them from playing video games. I don’t understand the mindset that YOU have to have an authentic classic experience or life is not complete. Don’t get emotional over it.

They may yet re-release classic classic WoW rebooted for all we know. Just make the most of what we have now rather than crying from the heavens for how you weren’t able to play a video game.

Ah I was replying to Iscariah in my last post. Not sure why that doesn’t show on the top right corner like it does for other replies.

But the forums are probably one of the better ways to actually get my feedback to Blizz, no? So it’s not exactly “crying.” It’s about throwing my two cents in on Blizzard’s official platform communication with players. If everyone just stayed silent on the forums it wouldn’t be any use.

Its as simple as most of the pserver community enjoying fresh servers. We don’t need to understand why. These are the people you get to thank for actiblizz making the classic franchise and its who the rerelease should be made for. Not the retail transmoggers who have already ruined their own game.

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  • An alive world, many around your level. Active dungeons, active world pvp.
  • New friends, new community, new memories.
  • Watching the server grow and change over time, the familiar faces and unique personalities that pop up.
  • Overpopulated Vanilla servers means Outlands is going to be a madhouse at release.

No changes resulted in damage:

  • Mages power boosting
  • Created mage bots all over the place. You’d see them boost more mages to farm dungeons/create more boosters.
  • The meta of terrain exploit/No AoE cap led to lucrative BoE drops.
  • Encouraged RMT/Gold Buying to pay for boosts.
  • Lucrative mage class made it a Gold Farmer favorite.
  • GDKPs became mainstream. Encouraged RMT/Gold Buying to win items. Some items went for absurd amounts of gold.

Now that that social experiment is all said and done, we have seen the damage caused. I personally have no interest being on a progression server carrying so much dirty gold. They can keep it. With TBC and #somechanges, TBC going forward there won’t be the mage problem, at least.

Classic has never been #NoChanges so don’t blame #NoChanges for the problems of classic when the problem lies squarely with Blizzard and their lack of enforcement.

Layering, Advanced Combat Logging, Tradeable BoP loot from day 1 and changing numerous things like the Dragonslayer NPC still giving out a buff when they get sapped is not #NoChanges. WoW Classic has always been #SomeChanges.

Still blaming #NoChanges or claiming that #NoChanges ever actually existed in Classic has to be considered trolling at this point.

Not enough changes were made to effect the damage caused.

So you do not think Mage Boosting and GDKPs encouraged bought gold?

GDKP was enabled by an actual change more than ANYTHING lol…

Do you think GDKP would be nearly as popular or nearly as big if BoP raid loot wasn’t able to be traded for gold in real time via a trade window?

I swear some of you really don’t think this stuff out enough before you post.

I’d like it because then there’d be a bunch of people also leveling with me. Also, a ton of good character names would become available, that are lost to people who quit classic a year ago on existing servers.

It shouldn’t be a thing, period, nor should I be a walking encyclopedia to content your needs.

They slapped Classic on top of Retail client and as a result came with a lot of the newer codes. And they didn’t want to deal with tickets, thus left it up. People abused it. Surprise :tada: