I wonder if they’ll make 2 of them for dynamic and static flying.
There may be an achievement, but we get dragon flying at TWW launch and will be able to unlock regular flying shortly after hitting max level.
There isn’t one. You get dynamic from the start of the new expansion. You get static when you hit level 80 and finish the campaign.
/gasp. What am I going to whine about?!
Well, If you want to go along with the forum trend, you would focus on why you have to wait for regular flying at all.
I don’t care either way, but from a game design standpoint it doesn’t make a lot of sense. What are they achieving by withholding it for those 12ish hours of gameplay
You engaging with the main campaign the way they want you to.
Again, I don’t really care…just playing devil’s advocate here, and yes, that is the obvious answer.
But I fail to see why they think pressing 1 a few times to quickly fly around is more important than denying accessibility options to those who can’t or won’t use dynamic flight. If anything, regular flight is slower and would increase the amount of time people spend in the new content.
No, I can stomach the opening campaign. Now if they’d fix tab targeting back to what it used to be i’d be happy.
Wait?! They changed how tab targeting works?
Because they’ve been working on so many accessibility features and want you engaging in the content the way they want you engaging in the content.
People can argue or whine about it until they’re blue in the face. But it doesn’t change that fact. It’s what Blizzard wants for their main campaign.
The stupid underwater delve comes to mind
Trying to figure out how I get regular flying in DF even after completing Pathfinder for it already. Is it a bug or is there a hidden step they they are not saying?
That was a few expansions back. It used to intelligently target the most likely thing now it targets pets first, the mob behind you 100 yards and los, so if you want it like it was you have to make some of your own macros like target=lasttarget.
According to your profile page, you haven’t completed Pathfinder. It’s an account wide achieve, so it should show on any character…unless this is a different account, then disregard this comment.
I know…the thing is I did. But it did not give me the last step of the achievement. Which is frustrating…
Interesting. I haven’t had too many issues, so I have to wonder if it works differently for ranged and melee.
@Nookhider After completing Dragon Isles Pathfinder you should be able to use regular flying on non-dragon riding mounts. Works for me, just completed it yesterday.
It was very good, then went to very bad, now you can force it by aiming your camera at the target you want, unless it’s a group of npc’s then again you have to make a tar=[insert special thing here]
Look at it again after maintenance…if still an issue guess I can put in a ticket. Could be that something is missing.