What's the most dwarf-y class in WoW?

simple question, easy answers, would preffer some reasoning behind the answers though.

what’s the most dwarf-y class in WoW?

my guesses are hunter, warrior, death knight, and monk.

hunter - literally the first race/class combo we see in anything WoW related, plus, they invented guns. enough said.
warrior - nothin more dwarf-y than a brave dwarven warrior, decked-out in armor they’ve smithed themselves.
death-knight - pure and simple, it’s the frost magic. dwarves live in the mountains, their abilities should have something to do with the cold.
monk - brew. lots and lots of brew. and what race knows their brews the best? dwarves.

also, if anyone’s wondering why i’ve made this post, i’ve been on a dwarf-binge past couple days.



I’d give it to Hunters and Warriors in a tie.

Dwarf Warriors are an iconic trope in fantasy. They’re as classic as the elderly wizard, or the Elven archer. And they’re well represented in WoW with the Mountain King.

And in personal taste, they’re the best iconic archetype. Love little balls of heavily armoured murder. 10/10.

But you’re right on the Hunter. Dwarves in Warcraft are specifically known as Gun-users and Engineers. The very first appearance of Dwarves in the WC canon was as engineers and gryphon riders.

Most peoples first sight of a Dwarf is him using his Rifle as a walking stick and leading his bear companion to Ironforge.

Impossible to choose between the two.


I think hunter.

With a bear in the snow


I really love bows for my hunter. When I race changed to dwarf, I couldn’t combine a dwarf with a bow. It looked so weird and out of place for me to play. Switched back to male Human, they just have the best bow animations. Simple and clean

Im sorry that kinda had nothing to do with your op, OP. Went off in my own world again.

I agree that it’s a tie between gun hunter and fury or protection warrior. Arms maybe if it’s a huge axe. Mauls I’d leave for the dwarf paladins.

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For me, it’s definitely Warriors. Followed by Hunter and Shaman.


Warriors or Hunters (For the guns at least). Anything with axes, hammers, and shields. Anything that mimics their heroic titles like Mountain Kings and the likes. Then the such as Mages/Warlocks due to a more darker ties (Especially if going Dark Iron).

Why not shamans?


Shamans go with Dwarven culture. Their origins are earthen. They build cities in mountains. They have learned to control fire to smelt.

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Hunters and Warriors.

There have been some awesome WoW cinematics over the years, but few top all of the fantasy crammed into a single frame of the Dwarf Hunter and his bear.

And, simply, with regard to Warriors, none of the other races look as good in Plate as Dwarves do.

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You only really think of Dwarf Shamans when you think of WoW Dwarfs. But Dwarfs are so much more broad than WoW.

Hunters and Warriors.
Guns, Pickaxes and large two-handed weapons.

It kinda works as even gryphon riders toss lighting hammers.

I assume the craziest dwarves might be from the elder scrolls.

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I’m going to put in a vote for monk just because punching everything in the face, no matter how big or spikey, is RIGHT for dwarves. Especially while taking a swig of something and possibly belching fire.

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Pro Drunk Wrastler!!!

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This and, within wow dwarves, it’s only one clan.

Hunter, Warrior, Paladin, Priest.

Dwarf Priest was the best priest race in Vanilla, due to Fear Ward.


Shaman, warriors, hunters, and Paladins. WoW dwarves have a very strong tie to faith, though where that faith lies can differ. It can be in the Light, the Elements, the Titans - or better yet, themselves. Hunters like Hemet Nesingwary know in their heart of hearts that they can hit whatever they want, even if their powder is damp and nearly gone and the shot they’ve got is cracked, they’ll nail it.

Dwarves are, overall, about confidence. Not overconfidence - that’s humanity - just self assurance. They know what they can trust themselves with and what they cant.

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In standard fantasy setting I would say warrior and priest.

In Warcraft specifically, I’ll add Hunter since dwarf rifleman are so iconic.

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Warrior, Id think

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Warrior, hunter, and rogue.

Flat out Dwarf warriors are probably one of the most iconic “fantasy” things you can get.

Hunters, mainly due to the dwarfs in this game having a ton of rangers.

Rogue I’d say due to their curiosity and dungeon/ruin delving.

Tossup between Warrior and Hunter.