It’s assumed that the Nightborne still worship Elune like Night Elves, on the basis that there’s a statue of a lady holding a staff with a big glowing moon on top, with magical Light around the statue and a bunch of Nightborne kneeling before it.
That is what I had assumed. Instead of worshiping Elune they looked to the stars themselves for knowledge and answers.
I’d agree with that. They are more of a modern city folk. Doesn’t help that so many of their temples were destroyed.
Would certainly be nice to see more information on it. I’ll have a quick look at the book and see if it had more information.
Is not my character headcanon I actually made a thread about this exact topic before wanting nightborne priests removed.
However I’m talking about what that scene depicts. Wether Thalyssra and the NB believe in Elune or not or hate her, that particular exchange wasn’t about religion for Thalyssra, thence the air quotes on Elune’s wisdom.
The same lore behind holy and disc forsaken priests…gameplay 100% but cannot really work in lore.
I’m pretty sure their religion is still elune centered, it’s just not at the forefront of their society, as it is in night elf culture today, but more of a reflection of how it was 10,000 years ago. They have elune statues in Suramar where people still pay reverence and place offerings.
This is her directly referring to what Tyrande said to her. Where she said “The Kaldorei will fight to see the legion defeated and the nightwell destroyed. Beyond that… we shall see where Elune’s wisdom guides us”
I certainly don’t think the priests should be removed.
As to the quotes I agree that you could interpret it in that way. But as a whole it still very much distances her and her people.
The exchange is identical to if I say to you. ‘I believe in the path of Zeus, he will help me decide’. And you say to your friend ‘Yeah he’ll use Zeus alright, meanwhile we’ll use our brains’.
The night elf society is centered on elune priests and druidism. The nightborne have separeted from that, they still have elune but not as much of a focus as the night elves who’s leaders are religious leaders. Night elves focus more on arcane use, technology, magical research. So we can still have elune worshippers just not as common as the night elves who’s whole culture is based off them.
If you compare the night elves to very conservative religious people and nightborne as less religious , but it’s still in their lives, just not as much as the night elves.
Also Thallysra can be taking personal jabs at Tyrande for being religious, but that probably isn’t the hive mind of all their population. Just like us we have some religious people and some not.
I disagree I think it’s more
John: I can’t drink tonight guys, I don’t want to…disrespect jesus.
Paul: Looks like “respecting jesus” makes him boring!
Doesn’t meant paul doesn’t believe in jesus or that he wants to disrespect jesus, more like paul doesn’t believe John because he’s clearly a lying PoS.
I respect your right to believe that. Ultimately we’re all making interpretations of what’s put before us.
I’d stated this earlier anyhow.
With that said it’s pretty clear it’s far from much of their concern. They are more practical (sneaking arcwine, making secret passages) in their times of need rather than other cultures which might preach/worship to the gods in hope of an answer. (I.E: like what happens in the Night Warrior scene).
Elune worship for the Nightborne can exist just as easily as it can for pretty much any other race.
Yes, the taurens have elune in their religion too as one of their gods. And in shadowlands we discover other races from other planets also believe in her. So Elune worship isn’t exclusive to night elves and taurens.
You could just make it up and claim whatever it is, it is. I’m pretty sure that’s all lore is these days anyway… I feel like consistency has taken a back seat to whatever the current patch flavor of lore is being provided.
Correct to the Tauren they are called Mu’sha and to other races it’d be something completely different.
However if a Tauren says to a Night Elf ‘hey btw Mu’sha and An’she are actually two eyes of the Earthmother’ it would be like ‘nice of you to believe that, that’s sweet’.
I wonder if they will make up new names for her or just stick to Elune. We got that world called Elunara.
Depends on how much scorn they have for their past practices. 10000 years would have a bit of a toll.
I certainly do hope there’s Nightborne there who would not only worship Elune but have the right to come to where Night Elves are and learn more.
There’s a lot more nuance to it all… pity they have been made a Horde only race.
This would be really nice flavor.
High elves are still free to come into silvermoon city for pilgrimages. So I think something similar would happen with Night elves, especially since not all night elves are aligned with the alliance.
That would be a good idea. We had one called ‘The Statue of Elune’ out at Darnassus but I don’t think the Nightborne were a part of the burning so they should be good to come to the new spot.
What pilgrimage site would Nightborne go see?
No clue, besides some moon wells. Probably religious stuff associated with Elune. I would be interested if they archived some stuff of how Elune was discovered. As she is an interplanetary god, she probably stumbled upon the dark trolls and enlightened them with the Well of Eternity, perhaps Elune came to try to fix Azeroth when she was hurt, and decided to have night elves watch over the site of her great wound.