What's the lore behind Nightborne priest?

Both holy and Shadow?
Do the use the light of elune or something else, and whats there stance on shadow/void magic.

Sounds like a question better asked to your own kind, Night Elf…


Elune has always had a dark side and they know that. Shadow was once a mysterious thing and it’s always been okay to manipulate and use, as far as I know.

Based on the storyline I don’t think they are still communing with Elune. We don’t get much talk from most of the Nightborne populace but Thalyssra believes Tyrande has misguided the Night Elves with the path of Elune.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: It would seem “Elune’s wisdom” guided her away from the bond we once shared. So be it

It might just be Light/Void worship directly.

Given that the Nightborne share stronger ties with Blood Elves now they probably follow them in the same way.

I think they mostly focused on The Nightwell

Elune is still an important figure in their culture, as it always was. But they are Highborne, so power and learning more about it is always more important.

Wait what? I don’t remember that line…

No one needs to worship a power to use it.

Also Nightborne are mostly an areligious society. I feel they might still have some respect towards Elune just out of tradition ( cuz elf ) but they’re very much all about that Arcane life over Druidism


Oh, I found it!

All we have is Thalyssra’s bitter statement that “Elune’s wisdom” guided Tyrande away from the Nightborne entirely.

So it seems that while they still believe in Elune, they don’t blindly follow a deity and believe that’s what Tyrande did. I get it now.

It’s during Thalyssra’s Estate while the three of them are together. She does an aside with Lady Liadrin.

I would agree that there might be some Nightborne that still follow the old path (and typically I would imagine there would be many that are peaceful to us night elves) but I don’t see it portrayed like that in the game.

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We worship wine.


Agreed. Good explanation! :slight_smile:

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You’re probably just some kind of hipster who never stopped worshipping Elune.

All the temples of Elune were cut off from the city, this something Occuleth tells you while questing in Suramar.

And of course it’s symbolic that the Tomb of Sargeras, the largest temple of Elune sits next to Suramar, corrupted and broken, with the bridge to it and the city shattered.

That’s not what that means. That’s not a dig at Elune or worshipping her, it’s a dig at Tyrande herself and believing that “Elune’s wisdom” is an excuse to not immediately throw away everything to be BFFs with nightborne.


Most Nightborne relate to their religion and goddess as the ruling classes did to things like Catholicism, back in the day. It was a symbol and institution for power, excess, and social maneuvering for many, as much as it was a point of faith and spirituality for others.

This might be too nuanced a reading for Blizz’s IP where they’ll whitewash, lionize and bland-ify the Nightborne making NB priests and clergy the same as the genuine, goody-goody and pious NE ones.

And I am sure there are the odd NB that kept the faith, but you have to remember, even the “NB commoner” are the upper echelons of NE society. Piety, humility and meekness are not exactly innate in their societal makeup.

I think their light/shadow relation came from just their investigations, not worship to anything.

Like Star Augur, they could even be just mages that were investigating the cosmos like him and ended up using this alongside their arcane power.

Based on Star Augur, Nightborne Shadow Priests are very interesting as with them we have cosmic researchers.

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I think this was more Thalyssra not liking that Tyrande feels like a religious fundamentalist, not that she was inherently against elune worship.

Nelves for a long time considered arcane magic evil when not channeled through nature.


She says more about the Night Elves too.

You have every right to believe in Elune as your character’s headcannon. I would imagine out of a tons of Nightborne that there would be some that follow their ancient path.

You’re correct if that were the only statement by itself. But this in addition to none of the temples being manned outside the city (except two ironically by night elves of the moon guard) - it’s not amiss of me to say Nightborne are more atheist to the whole situation.

Are there likely some that worship Elune? Sure. I don’t see any sign of it though.

We don’t really see any temples at all is the bigger problem. So in the absence of light and elune temples, I have to assume the religious ones go for either elune or the light. They seem fairly cosmopolitan, and probably have a big variety of religions worshipped.

I heard they still worship Elune but religion was the least talked about thing in their campaign.

At least from what I recall.

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They worship elune, or at least formerly did. Elune is one of their gods. The Temple of Sargeras is close and nearby. They don’t focus on her as much as the night elves did in the dome city.