šŸšæ What's the longest you've gone without showering?

OP smells like a barn LOL


Nah, not a space goat thing. Definitely a goat thing though. I vote the OP be stripped of the ā€œspaceā€ appellation immediately. Itā€™s bringing your people down.

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ā€¦ ok, yeah probably.

ā€¦ I see nothing wrong with this.

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Three days, I was home alone and had no reason to leave the house. Donā€™t tell anyone.

Nothing nearby that camp. Wasnā€™t an actual campsite, is a cabin my dad built with no running water in December. No electricity either. Oil lamps and a radio. Thatā€™s it. Coal stove he burns wood in for heat.

Was really roughing it.

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Sorry I have to wash every single day sometimes twice because I cannot stand to be nasty.


In fact, I recommend you donate one of your spare spaceships and set this creature off into the dark void immediately. Do itā€¦ not for my sake, but for all draenei-kind.


ā€¦I still see nothing wrong with this.

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no lakes, creeks or streams nearby or even a well or cistern? that is crazy just not having any water. At least in winter you donā€™t have to worry about fleas outside anyway lol

When the dog ran from me with a disgusted look on his face.


2 weeks and only due to surgery. At that point I had to tough it out while keeping my bandages as dry as possible. The smell gets unbearable.

Uhhā€¦ 12 hours?

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Iā€™ll have you all know my character smells like Vanilla Bean lotion from Bath and Body Works. As for me, itā€™s the pure scent of man :sunglasses:

Spring for water that runs slow and isnā€™t safe to drink. Barely runs in winter, if at all.

Deer season is in winter, weā€™d gone for bucks.

Mmm venisonā€¦

Next time I go camping in the wild itā€™s going to be near a small waterfall somewhere.

I HAVE to take a shower. Iā€™ve gotten used to not taking baths because I find it easier to wash my hair in the shower and I prefer it that way. Sometimes I just enjoy standing under the warm water and letting it run over my head.

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no amount of perfume will cover up your butt funk from a month of stewing in your own smeg


Probably 3 days while off work, living alone, and not going out.

Iā€™d never go out for anything more than a gas run, couple things at Walmart, or maybe a drive thru for food without having showered that day. I wouldnā€™t do even those things if itā€™s been over a day.

And if I go out not having showered that day, itā€™s not like I just walk out the door in my jammies with my hair all over and no deodorant or anything. I clean up as best as can be done without showering.

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As a adult, three days. Back when we had a bad winter storm and
power was out for over a week. No electricity, no hot water.
I finally gave in, and took a very cold shower.

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Try the pure scent of soap. I know itā€™s made with a touch of dead dinosaur and all, but really, itā€™s worth it.

I hope you donā€™t give anyone the misfortune of being in your presence with the roadkill odor of a shower-free month.

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ah, I live in the southwest lots of people out here have cisterns on their wilderness properties for water, itā€™s not necessarily potable but itā€™s good for washing and bathing, especially if you heat it up a bit. venison is nomzeh. I havenā€™t been on a deer hunt since 2004. Got too busy with life

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