šŸšæ What's the longest you've gone without showering?

One time I missed a day and flipped out and felt super disgusting and couldnā€™t wait to shower.

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Due to gaming? None.

Due to circumstances like power failures due to a storm, etc? Two weeks. It sucked but once the showers worked again the feeling of clean was the best thing in the world.


3 days is my norm. Skin gets dried out awful if I shower. Super hard water.

I wash my hair daily though.

Fun fact. You smell yourself ling before others smell you.

Still no excuse to go for a month.

Unless you work out or work dirty, you donā€™t need to shower daily.

If your eyes burn when you lift your armsā€¦ you know your shower has passed its expiration date.

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0 days due to gaming. 4 days if Iā€™m sick give or take.

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Oh trust me I NEED to shower daily because itā€™s a force of habit. Though I do have a home gym(use it 3 to 4 times a week) and live near mile upon miles of bike/walking trails & my job occasionally has me do dirty stuff like crawl in sewage pipes or oil spills. But I canā€™t go more than a day otherwise I just feel completely grossed out regardless if I smell bad or not. Plus I do have a very strong sense of smell, if some one across the street farts Iā€™ll probably be able to smell it.


Youā€™re like my dog! do you eat with your face in the bowl too?


Typically? every other day, I suppose the month I did nothing but lay in bed with the Fluā€¦ only got out or did anything when after about a day of recovery I got the NEXT Flu strain that came through and had to go to the doctor again.

that is disgusting


I canā€™t go more than a couple days ever.

My job gets dirty and makes me feel gross.

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14 days for me!! :blush::blush:

Think the longest Iā€™ve actually gone though was a 2 week hunting trip with no running water.

THAT was gross.

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Gaming has never stopped me from practicing an acceptable level of hygiene. But I very rarely shower. I prefer baths.

What? Ewā€¦ two days max and not because of gaming.

Please everyone, take a shower at least every other day. If not for yourself but for the people around you who have to smell you. Thanks.


You truly are a space goat, arenā€™t you?


Yucky! Going a whole day is bad enough, but a month? Really? I hope the OP already has a Significant Other, because if she doesnā€™t, only showering once a month isnā€™t exactly going to raise her charisma . . :slight_smile:

Considering the scent, I sure hope not.

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Thatā€™s not a space goat thing!

If anything we are very fastidious about our hygiene.

You think we want to look thing good but smell likeā€¦ a goat?

I smell like lavender and raspberries, thank you very much.

Camp showers, even bathing in a river using natural soaps is effective!
One must avoid getting fleas and ending up with bubonic plagueā€¦
Iā€™m pretty sure OP coofs into his hand and wipes it on his trousers and thinks itā€™s cleanā€¦

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