All the herbs are expensive, though. Because they removed alchemy procs and because the recipe requirements are silly - 5 or 6 herbs to make a single potion.
Even Death Blossom - the “weed” of Shadowlands - is steady at almost 20g per flower, U.S. median.
Anyway, I’m far more concerned with all the Auction House bots, since they aren’t actually providing anything of benefit to anyone. Cracking down on AH bots is where I’d like to see Blizzard prioritize.
I’m sorry at this point i feel like i’m explaining basic logic so i’m probably gonna be mean.
So heres how it goes
I can farm 2000 of a thing an hour
So can you
Your buddy can farm 1500 maybe
the bot farms 1000 / hr but never rests.
It does not matter what you do or how much you farm, the second you go to bed - it is now ahead of you in supply.
This also means the server supply is being increased by 1000/hr on top of whoever is farming, causing an acceleration to the rate at which people are undercutting eachother, effectively bombing the prices.
Especially given the AH is selling the most recently listed, the person with the most stock simply sells the most things and can constantly make sure you never get a sale, or can drive your prices down to buy you out.
Did you kids never watch Yu-gi-oh? Kaiba buys 51% of the shares and threatens the guys? This is kids stuff cmon.
You aren’t mean just misinformed. Having less of an item doesn’t necessarily mean the price increases, as plenty have told you. They are only worth what people will pay for them.
That’s the crux here, you are making assumptions on X number being removed changing the entire economy, it won’t.
Sorry by all means explain that one, because last i checked when the resource [Heavy callous hide] wasnt in abundance it was about 1800-2200g / ea due to the fact it only was dropping about 10/hr for most farmers. As of all these bots infintely spawning hyperspawns, the price is now at 1100 because the amount of leather needed to build legendaries has been reached.
You must be late to the conversation so here i’ll quote myself
I am not late, I disagree. You see how that works? I can’t be bothered to respond to everything you have put out there, when people who share my sentiments did just fine.
I know you believe in this wholeheartedly, as I believe in the exact opposite.
I dislike botters, but I can’t go as far as to make up talking points claiming this will increase my profits as you keep doing. Sorry bud, nothing you have said here is factual, it’s all suppositions on your behalf thinking that if x happens y is the result.
So please explain to me how this works then
We need to build 1000 legendaries for the 1000 leather players on our server
these 1000 players want those legendaries because they need them for their MAIN CHARACTER
We provide the resources for these and are paid accordingly
When botters are involved
We supply the materials for 300 legendaries before the botters get to 700 legendaries, effectively robbing the honest farmer of 700 sales at a good price before the price drops out of lack of need for the product
I’m sorry you need this explained, it’s not a matter of disagreement if it’s a matter of logistics and literal need of an object for players.
Potions and herbs are a different story buddy, people consume daily and the rate of consumption changes weekly.
Armor pieces and materials needed for leggos? nothing like that going on until people reach their soul ash caps, or we’re allowed to use 2.
Till then, the price goes down.
So yeah, the botters are both tanking the market earlier than it should be tanking, and effectively losing me money because the amount of available resources on the market is abundant way earlier than it should be
It really helps if you take into account the fact that time does not stop.
You can pretend that’s me making “Suppositions”, however i’m gonna clarify this isn’t a matter of belief - it’s cause and effect, the item is relevant until everyone who needs ONE has ONE, and then it’s no longer a necessity and billed as such
Right? People pay what they think it’s worth? And that depends on if they need the item? You…Follow?
Easy, I didn’t want to pay the prices so I leveled an alt, and avoided the AH. See? I didn’t think the prices were ok, so I leveled one myself. Also, as I find your argument laughable, I want to point out that people have come here to complain that their leggo items aren’t selling… Hmm, think that the player base, like myself also said, I hate this price, let’s level a LW?
Supply and demand, people will pay what they are willing to. In this game, it’s easy enough to avoid the people like you who feel that their “arbitrary price” is the right one.
The only explicit change I’ve asked for is for your herbing and skinning to work the same way as archaeology already does for druids and everyone else: You have to swap forms to complete the task. That’s it. Slows things down a little. As you appear to have done a ton of archaeology already, I have faith in your ability to adapt to the change you’ve already managed to adapt to.
I’m not banning a class. I’m not removing a form. I’m not touching your combat performance.
It makes me feel like you’re confused, since I didn’t say, “Ban druids!”
Tell me what mechanic causes a botter to use a hunter over another class, and we can look at that mechanic and how it could be tweaked. I suspect there’s already been a change to hunters between Classic and Retail, and that’s why they are preferred for botting in Classic but not in Retail, and most hunters probably adapted to whatever change that was without even knowing it.
I don’t hate druids. I dislike botters and I dislike those who keep botters in business. I’m willing to make changes to classes I play to fix the situation. Druids just happen to be the class of choice of botters in the current expansion.
Past attempts by Blizzard to correct the issue have not worked, and have hit legit players and botters alike. Other methods deserve a shot.
TLDR: You fail at reading comprehension.
Couldn’t say. Until a botter says, “This is why I choose class A over class B,” we don’t know what changes would be required to make all classes less attractive to botters.
So you as a player dedicated yourself to gathering the materials instead of purchasing them, as many do! Unfortunately you are still accounted for in the numbers provided, you are still farming to provide ONE of the legendaries being provided out of those other 9999 we’re farming
Good job bud, two tears in a bucket.
Seriously do you think you’re relevant as a single entity going out of your way to craft it yourself as many do? We still need to sell 9998 to other people that arent you, are you farming with us to provide those? Then you’re now competing with bots to race to fill that 9998 quota big guy
I’ll say it again because you’re clearly more dedicated to ‘being right’ than learning to be right.
Eat me boi
I dislike botters too,but when you are accused of being one when not that’s when i stop herbling on the toon .
The competition in wod for herbs was so great ,people actually turned in folks that were single herbing for a few hours and not selling on AH. Have we come this far to repeat this again I would hope not.
Except, your solution is to take away abilities from those who did nothing wrong, and again stick your heels deep in with the well it deserves a shot.
It doesn’t. Ever, and you calling for it is wrong.
You couldn’t answer me, but you did them K.
Make the game less fun to players to detract botters, and keep doing it til they stop, is silly to put it mildly. You do realize how ridiculous that is?
You are calling for them to kneecap legitimate players to fight botting.
I’m a woman, but k, you really needed that boi to try and further a non point. You started out good in this thread, I actually agreed on a lot of your points, but what you have devolved into now is laughable.
You can’t even use any evidence to prove your point, so tell me, again how your South Park-esque theory works?
Step one: Remove botters
Step two: ?
Step three: Auction prices go up PROFIT!
Even when they have done botter dumps in the past, the prices never changed.
Step one: Remove botters before they are able to list on the auction house
Step two: The amount of available supply on the auction house now belongs solely to honest players
Step three: All the auctions on the auction house now go to players instead of botters
I fixed it for you
And yknow, the amount of people requiring a legendary they can only have One of, maybe theyll switch and get another, but in general will be buying in very low amounts as they will only need 1-2, maybe 3-4 if they’re high end players swapping sets often. Yeah, that’s not actually a stat at all, just pulling it straight outta the hat, where did i get that you can only have leggo? What do you mean they cap at 235 until we get a patch to update them?
Its almost like i understand supply and demand, and that the supply is actually required to meet the demands of the community, if everyone has their leggos, nobody’s buying the parts to make them anymore
So yeah it’s pretty straightforward that the money from this process should be going to the PEOPLE farming the objects, not the machines
To the people who are like, “Blizzard can just use their eyes to confirm if it’s a bot and ban them,” have you ever had a period of time where you got up, went AFK, came back, started to move, didn’t realize where you left your character and fell off a cliff? Have you ever left yourself on autorun, got a phone call, and ended up running into a wall for a minute? Have you ever gotten into such a groove with your herbing route that you ended up doing the same loop over and over for an hour? Have you ever gotten up and your cat decided to settle on your keyboard and made you spin in place for like ten minutes?
Now imagine someone saw you doing that, and reported you as an “obvious bot”, and Blizzard just permanently banned your account based on what it looked like, even though there was an explanation. Imagine having to go to all the hassle of appealing and explaining and MAYBE you get your account back, just because your character did something that “looked like botting” to people watching.
I mean, if you look at the complaining on the CS forums when banwaves go out, people seem to be convinced that this happens anyway with no investigation, but it really doesn’t. And they can’t just look and see, “Oh, look, botting software was running” because the people who make botting software constantly revise their programs to try and make them undetectable. The way that they do this is see how bots were caught. Banning bots here and there, one at a time, makes it vastly easier for bot program makers to figure out how their software was detected.