What's the excuse for the bots now?

Bot are cool to watch, leave them

Ok,I’m going med ground here ,for one who are “we” OP? There is nothing wrong with buying a game ,farther more it none of anyones’ business how many account they have.

They are not hurting the economy though they are bothersome for others that farm ,they have every right to do what everyone else does.

So you want to ban all botters and those that don’t just to clear the area for those that compete with you, I’ve seen this and was a victim of it .If it happen to me it can happen to others .I would suggest you think this one other very carefully.

Anyone honestly supplying materials to the members of the server while being consistently undercut by an abundance of materials generated by people who aren’t even playing the game

They actually do hurt the economy, it is a supply and demand system as is everything else - the more excess supply from bots, the lower the prices get from there being an abundance of a supposedly ‘rare’ material, If something only drops 10x/hr but it’s now farmable 24/7 by 5 robots it is quite unfair to the human in terms of even physical capability, we cannot compete with bots, we dont want to compete with bots, we need to sleep, the market shouldnt be overloaded with mats because of a 24/7 autofarm system, if it was intended that way these materials would be purchasable from vendors.

If you think this is a matter of me being concerned about my farming area, i haven’t met anyone that can pull the same amount in my zone so i’m more than fine, in terms of raw numerics, i cannot compete with the 5 boomkins farming wyrms in bastion in a rotating patrol

I hope this has cleared up what you call ‘mid ground’

The consideration I gave you was you were a rational adult who could adapt, as I would. Travel is unaffected, combat is unaffected (though there might be more of it if druids were not able to click on items for quest completion in their travel forms), and gathering would be the same as it is for everyone else in the game, which is not some kind of burden. I have seen many class changes over the years, fundamental changes to combat abilities that rewrote how those classes worked, and I still play those characters.

I don’t give you more consideration than that because I don’t think Blizzard would. Blizzard hasn’t done carve-outs for legit players in its anti-botting changes to date. When they implemented daily instance caps in Classic (30/day and 5/hour, per realm) back in June to combat botters farming instances, those playing the game as intended got smacked with the restrictions, too.

“Well hunters do it, too!” is still a laughably bad example. No class is used by botters in Retail as much as druids. Even if some have their own share of bad actors, no other classes even come close.

The complaints I can find about hunter botters almost all seem to revolve around Classic. What mechanically makes the Classic hunter bot a major problem while the Retail hunter bot is much less of a problem? A change to hunters in Retail that players have simply adapted to? Other Retail classes simply being better for the job of botting? I don’t know.

If hunters were ever used as frequently as druids by botters in Retail - I would be very surprised because their AOE cooldowns are not the best - but, sure, let’s talk changes. As it stands, hunters and monks aren’t the botters’ overwhelming class of choice, so you bringing them into the conversation is just whataboutism.

nope,if they not playing there no selling.

So being competitive is bad last i’ve seen it’s an open market and it’s not cheap so how expensive do you want it?

And yet,they not hurting anyone but peoples’ pride.

Do you honestly believe that these bots do not sell the materials they are farming?

Since when is being competitive bad? And yes it is an open market, designed for players operating within the EULA / TOS - not for machines.

Weird, they waste my time when i’m trying to do something, they lower the cost of the materials i farm by providing an abundance, Oh, and they’re not limited to the confines of a mortal shell, needing to rest, eat, etc. but this is just a matter of my pride?

Well if you say so…? I thought it had something to do with finding the amount of damage they are doing absurd for the sake of making a few lazy players lives easier.

You know you can farm your own mats too right? So how much they are really shouldn’t impact you unless you’re selling them, unless you solely buy your materials off the auction house in which case you are at the farmers discretion for what you pay and shouldnt be complaining?

No sense here. Anyone getting punished for not doing the bad behavior makes zero sense.

We have had these abilities since inception as druid. When I am in boomkin form, that is my dps form. You want me to lose that, risk getting hit without all the things that come with my class because botters are bad. You keep digging your heels in like this makes sense but it doesn’t, at all. Plenty shared my sentiments.

No matter how many paragraphs you write, it doesn’t change that fact.

It makes 100% sense, you choose to ignore it and write paragraphs! You even call them bad actors, yet label a whole class this way based on the actions of a few. Yes a few…

They exist, so ban hunters…

How does that make you feel?

I can sum up all your paragraphs with this TLDR: Rollo hates druids, blames them for botting, nerf their abilities. The other bot classes don’t matter focus on druid.

Honestly bold words for someone who seems to just want to reap the benefits of botting because they don’t actually farm material themselves.
and moreso for someone with a hard time understanding the concept that if it’s not a player or an NPC, or gatherable, it shouldnt be there. As the game is intended, at no point should a bot be occupying space a player desires to be.
Time is money or whatever.

Of course they do ,If they don’t sell on the Ah or vendor they are not playing.Whats your period here again?

See above,point again?

Oh,so i was right then you want the competition out Oh I see then soaking the pride is there after all.ok.

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I want the illegitimate competition out, i’m here to compete with players.

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Why do you answer yourself it really confusing . gg


Has this actually ever been proven? Or is this one of those feel good statements based off of emotions and not facts?

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Pretty sure you’re either drunk or lost

Omg, What did i just walked into here ,rude :pleading_face:

We need 10 [Heavy Callous Hide] To make a legendary
we have 10000 people on the server who need leather legendaries, they’ll need between Rank 1 - 4
Thereby we need approx 400,000 Heavy callous to fully cover the needs of the server for legendaries, assuming each gets one of each tier.
So you could probably round down to 300k just because some’ll skip
After that 300,000 - people no longer need the materials to make that item anymore,
Thereby anything above this amount is contributing to excess materials, which will not be bought, which will devalue the item according to remaining use of Heavy callous hide (Which theres not much of short of leggos btw)

As it stands the price for these was 2k when they were relevant, they’re now sitting at 1.1k, and the majority of the leather supply has been coming from the same people running around on boomies (You can see the names of people listing on AH you know)

So yeah actually go check out mal’ganis right now i’d say it is literally living proof of this situation

Would it devalue over time inevitably anyways? Yeah, someone’ll farm those 300k hide
But the people farming the hide honestly shouldnt be losing money to line the pockets of botters

Really though, i wasn’t aware that being able to understand we can only supply so many legendaries before the material becomes irrelevant to the people who now have those legendaries, as they don’t need it anymore now that they have it, comes across as an emotionally driven position.
It is a fairly straightforward, number driven argument
Not sure where you get emotion out of “This thing should be a 0 but its a 1”

4 Gm’s per server, working 8 hours a day at minimum wage would cost Blizzard around 60.000.000 dollars a year. And that’s just for the US and EU servers.

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im guessing blizz wants them cause they pay their sub, and with people leaving like its the titanic they are afraid to kick anyone no matter how grievous the conduct

but thats just a guess

ROFL… you think they pay their GMs :rofl:

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