What's the canon class to wear the Warden transmog, as a Night Elf?

There are a lot of race specific fantasies that cant be exactly matched by the playable classes, so you go for a close one.

Night elf unit wise, you can get a beastmaster or MM hunter for the archer unit.

Protection warrior for the huntress unity (which is what people normally mean by sentinel)

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As Blastkrizzle noted earlier, we do see a Warden with an owl companion at Darkshore:

As well as Wardens using a large range of weapon types.


The thing is that Sentinels, Huntresses, Priestesses and Wardens are all in one way or another part of the Sisterhood of Elune and therefore have to train in the use of multiple weapons.


The Warden on the left side uses a typical weapon which isn’t available to the players…

That’s the umbra crescent/chakram, there are some fist weapons that look like that.

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I want Rogues to have a Tank spec just to make it easier to gear my Rogues.

Call it Warden. Give it Warden stuff.

I would just love Tank insta LFR Queues on my Rogue. Those Pure DPS queues…

I changed my mind. While leveling with the Sentinel’s Moonglaives was fun, these Glaives dropped for me in a Heroic Amirdrassil transmog run on Smolderon I did on my level 70 Demon Hunter, and they go so perfectly well with the green Wargden set that I would believe it was intentional:

To me wardens seem to be some kind of cross between Paladin and rogue

They are essentially renamed Hunters.

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warrior seems to be the most likely

Most Heroes from WC3 were not pure classes. They are usually a mixture of abilities and are now classfiied as Hero Classes on par with Demon Hunter and Death Knights in WoW. Wardens are the jailors of the Night Elf society. I get the impression they are a separate sect from the Sentinels. Like how Tyrande killed the Wardens trying to free Illidan, meaning they work independently from the main army. The Wardens also work as protectors of druids in Moonglade.

Here’s the description from WC3:

The mysterious wardens serve as the night elves’ special police force in Kalimdor. Set apart from the militant Sentinels, wardens are usually employed as jailors, assassins, and bounty hunters. When loosed upon escaped criminals, wardens employ a number of supernatural powers that enable them to recapture their prey and mete out the night elves’ justice. Wardens have a line of sight teleport ability called “blink,” which they can use to outmaneuver even the quickest of foes.

In the RTS game, Maiev had her own band of “sisters”, and they are all different. Her 2nd in command was Naisha who was a Huntress, riding a nightsaber and threw the glaive that had bounce attacks. Maiev herself was like a rogue with Fan of Knives and Sinister Strike. She could Blink, which became a mage spell. The spell was unique to her though because only she could escape the Tomb of Sargeras with her ability, while Naisha died in the tomb with other wardens left behind, that was the main plot trigger for her to go after Illidan at an insane level. Her Avatar of Vengeance looked like a shadow priest ability. In WC3, the whole Night Elf theme was built on being night related so they had a moon culture and centered a lot of being dark, shadowy and mysterious. They are not evil, but they weren’t tree hippies either. They didn’t mind getting their hands dirty, and will kill without hesitation. WoW kind of turned them into fluffy Care Bears. They are supposed to be mean My Little Ponies on motorcycles. lol

The whole warrior class idea was strange for Night Elves to begin with, because they were always an “agility” race that priced mobility and damage over sustain. Tanking was the strength of the Alliance with heavy Human Knight/Calvary units. The most tanky units Night Elves had were the bear druids, and in Night Elf form were supposed to be the equivalent to a High Elf Priest unit in Alliance for casting Rejuvenation. The Sentinel army was mainly made of mail wearing Archers and Huntresses that are the tier 1 basic squishy units.

I mean most of the original WC3 design themes are out the window in WoW, so it’s really whatever now. lol If we want to follow WC3 strictly, then only male NEs can be druids and only females can use Shadowmeld.

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Technically, Maiev was the only warden in that group. The rest were all “Watchers”.
It is unknown if other wardens can “blink” as Maiev does, though I suspect those who were once priestesses might still do so.

Pathfinder as some of you know started as a fork of D&D. For the longest time, Priest was synomously with Cleric, but some time ago, Paizo decoupled the role of leading worship from strict attachment to the class. For example while Clerics of Nethys the god of magic do exist, Wizards hold a higher place in the church hiearchy and it’s not uncommon for them to lead figures in local churches which serve a more narrow type of congregation than say a priest of Erastil, the god of communities. But given that old Dead-Eye is a consummate hunter who emphasies providing for your family and community it’s not unreasonable that on very frontier communities your local priest might very well be a ranger or Hunter (hybrid druid/ranger class).

The priests who became the first Paladins, trading spells for arms training didn’t stop being being religious people.

So Hunters being a different branch of the Elunite priesthood could very well work…

So in short any class, any race that can wear the Warden transmog is completely one hundred percent legitimate. Some just require a more comprehensive and interesting back story… like my Mechagnome Hunter who’s considered a sort of mascot by the unit that trained her.

Maiev was able to do so because of a magical artifact that she possessed. That’s why she was able to leave behind all her sisters to drown when Illidan sunk the Temple of Sargeras after sealing them in it. (also another reason for her to be so relentless about her pursuit.)

You’re referring to her Shadow Orb, which were leftovers from a very dead Gul’dan. She didn’t need this to Blink, she had the ability beforehand. In the Illidan novel, it’s stated that her power to blink comes from Elune.
Very likely because she’s also a former priestess (and interim high priestess) so was strong enough.

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I believe that’s a retcon from the earlier Warcraft story.

I have read many of the novels, but I didn’t read that one. Illidan is ok enough as one among many major characters in a story, but a whole book about him? Didn’t interest me.

But that is interesting, I do like to learn about that sort of background stuff. I have wondered what the heck the Warden Blink was about. Fan of Knives and that Poison Dart made sense enough, but where does the blink come from?

Rogues pretty much service well in terms of class abilities.

Warriors and Hunters work as well lore reasons for the Warden Faction.