What's the canon class to wear the Warden transmog, as a Night Elf?

Warrior? Rogue?
Which one will get possible future Warden weapons?

Rogues are the closest, but if warden glaives ever become a transmog, they’re going to be either warglaives (dh only) or swords, and with swords the only rogue spec wielding them is outlaw, which is the rogue spec thst doesnt fit a warden.

Second option would be warrior, the moveset doesnt fit very well, but you will look the part.

My option, which I have plenty of time to level up since I will only get this mog in September, will be a monk. I personally can see a monk joining the wardens, and if we ever get a warden glaive, it will look decent to punch with if it is a sword.


Demon hunter so you can disgrace both Illidan and Maiev simultaneously :rofl:


Wardens are a class of their own, but I think the closest playable classes would be Warrior, Hunter and Rogue.

Priest (Holy or Discipline) could arguably fit the bill since many Wardens have tenure in the Priestesses of Elune. Balance Druid or Windwalker Monk MAYBE by a bit of a stretch of the imagination based on lunar abilities and combat/weapon technique respectively.

Ironically though, Demon Hunters DO fit quite well, aside from the whole ‘anti-Warden’ shtick. They’re essentially Fel-juiced Wardens in terms of their combat ability as well as wielding the iconic glaives as their class weapon like Wardens do.


I’d be more worried about Maiev. Illidan would just keep saying I’m unprepared and What have I sacrificed. Maiev would actually try to kill me probably :stuck_out_tongue:


Not even all the character development Maiev has been trough would make her ready for that.

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Wardens used Shadow Magic since WC3. Spirit of Vengeance was their “ultimate”

Anyway I think Wardens can be a multitude of classes and there isn’t really any that fits the bill completely. Just pick a class you like and you are bound to find fluff somewhere in the setting for that warden archetype.


Ah, I didn’t know this! So Shadow Priest would be potentially ideal then as well!


Rogue feels most appropriate to me but there isn’t anything that’s really 1:1 to them.

The spirit of vengeance isnt really shadow magic is it? It is an elune thing and that isnt well defined nowadays.

Shadow wasn’t a well-defined thing to begin with back in that era. Magic in general was a spectrum rather than super-strict cosmic forces, Elunite magic included.

In the context of WC3-Vanilla, Shadow was just vague spooky-kooky magic rather than specifically something that originates from the Void :tm: and the Old Gods.

It’s why Wardens don’t really fit any class 1:1, because they were created in an era where “classes” didn’t exist conceptually and everyone was their own specific thing.

Wardens in WC3, for example, had Blink. Blink nowadays is a solid staple of the Mage class. Ironic given how Wardens are (or were) characterized as being zealously anti-mage.

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I don’t think the spirit of vengeance is an Elune thing, considering Cordana also uses it after her “transformation”. Probably is more associated with Shadow.
Or the source of the shadow is either Elune or shadow magic, depending on your affiliation.

So you’re saying that canonically most wardens weren’t shirtless draenei with rage issues?

Why would the trading post lie to me :weary:

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Survival hunter, just with no pet. That is my arbitrary pick, because they can use swords and every weapon is a hunter weapon, so glaive weapons are hunter weapons.


I also consider going this route. But what will we do, when an upcoming warden-weapon will be 1-handed?

Besides, having an owl-pet seems also to be canon.

I say it depends on if they work like the Kaldorei heritage Moonblades do and they’re one handed swords, or if they can be mogged to multiple different weapons

Survival moveset has a lot of explosives and traps, not necessarily a warden thing.

Guys, I was making a joke about Survival Hunters.

All weapons are hunter weapons? I know it’s an old meme, but…


Maiev actually seems to have become quite fond of Demon Hunters. When you save Maiev at Black Rook Hold if you’re playing a Demon Hunter you get an additional line in the completion text:

    It's your turn to set me free, demon hunter. Let us destroy the Legion together.

Because of this, and because of the Darkshore Warfront glaives, for me the best class for the green Warden set is Demon Hunter.

For the silver Warden set I actually went with the inspiration from Tyrande’s powers at the Darkshore Warfront, and since Bastion didn’t get a Night Warrior mentioned in live I made my own with an Affliction Warlock:

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6 more months and when I get my Warden set, totally going to rock it on my Worgen druid. Except the helm, helms look terrible on worgen, but I’m definitely rocking the rest of it :bear:

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