The same model is now used as a sword if you did the heritage questline, so you’re not exactly locked into DHs for that. Besides, those are sentinel glaives not warden right?
When it comes to warden glaives, there is a fist weapon transmog that I have that almost fits, but barely. It is a BFA one called “Plundered Twinscale Handblade”.
Yes, but I already have one Single-Minded Fury Warrior and don’t want another. And dice rolling, pistol shooting Outlaw Rogues don’t really fit Wardens.
The other class that can dual-wield one-handed swords is Monk, which I do have a Monk with them transmogged, but they disappear during combat.
I think i showed before that you can mog in one hand the glaive and the other a fist weapon and then the weapons will appear during combat (except during tiger palm).
My character that is using the glaives is a Death Knight. I’m still leveling her up, but the blue heritage set fits really well with some DK sets, and the glaives can use the shadowlands preorder weapon effect. I’m making a chilling death sentinel.
The best Option by far is Rogue.
They have basically the same move set:
Fan of Knives = Shiriken Storm
Shadow Strike = Poison coats for your weapon
Blink = It can somewhat be recreated by Shadowstep and Shadowstrike
Avatar of Vengeance = Secret Techniques?
Also Rogues as Leather Armor wearers have access to these shoulders that IMO enhance the overall look:
Imported Illidari Spaulders from Artificer Xy’mox in Sepulcher of the First Ones
Strigine Epaulets from Council of Dreams in Amirdrassil
The only thing left is to be able to Xmog Moonglaives to daggers and the dream will finally come true.
Well they are venders lad. Their job is to upsell their products.
Ironic, seeing as Camouflage has been a thing for Hunters for a while now. Don’t Wardens use Owls though? Or was that just Sentinels? They(Hunters) also have a Glave ability at later levels.
I think it’s just the sentinels, but i could be wrong. I don’t think we’ve seen any wardens with an owl pet, but!! Night elves in general seem to be very owl-friendly, so it’s hard to specify that only one group uses them. Tyrande’s a priest and has the most iconic owl pet. I don’t know if “uses owl pet” is specific to a class or more of a racial thing, and since we see mostly sentinels (as guards at every outpost), we mostly connect it to them.
A proper night elf fan can offer up a better opinion than mine.
I’m not the most knowledgeable when it comes to the details, but IIRC, the wardens are a branch of the sentinels.
Some stuff we normally atribute to them is exclusive to Maiev (other wardens can’t blink). But it seems they all can use vengeance powers. I do have a faint memory of some wardens using other weapon types, but there has been some years now i have done Darkshore warfront and Legion content.
I recall the units Tyrande defeats to free Illidan wield Whips, they’re supposedly wardens too?
So huh. Maybe hunter wardens isn’t as jokey as I was trying to be.
Now if only SV can dual-weild (I never touch that spec, so IDK, why would I play a whole hunter with a ranged weapon and a tanky pet, just to pretend I’m melee)…
SV sadly uses two handed weapons. But you can dual wield if your RPing or just want to walk around with them. But can’t use any your abilities unless you have a 2hander equipped
Boo, I hate that. I hate that a lot. Yet another reason never to touch Survival when I can be the superior Marksman or second-best almost-as-good Beastmaster.
Night Elf fighters in general are not really represented with current classes. We only have one ranged weapon class which is hunter, we really should have another ranged. The guards kind of look like prot warriors without shields. And priestesses run around on mounts with bows unlike the priest class.
There is room for at least a new spec somewhere in there.