What's the Biggest Server right now?

Hey I’m looking for a Classic Server where both the Alliance and the Horde are in terms of High Population cap. Which server is the biggest in terms of RP or just High in general?

It’s the “Whitemane” Realms

  • Anathema, Arcanite Reaper, Bigglesworth, Blaumeux, Fairbanks, Kurinnaxx, Rattlegore, Smolderweb, Thunderfury, and Whitemane *

All those realms are merged together.

Are you talking TBC? Or the Classic Era realms?

Classic Era servers are the Whitemane cluster for PVP and the Mankrik cluster for PVE in terms of population. RP is Bloodsail Buccaneers only for PVE (and it’s mostly Alliance) and Grobbulus or Deviate Delight for RP-PVP. Not sure of their situation in Era for balance or roleplay.

TBCC I hear that Grob has a great balance between the factions but not sure about roleplay.

TBC and Classic Era.

So what exactly do people mean when speaking in terms of population on classic era realms? Because I log on and /who and it shows about 7 people online for those server clusters you’re speaking about.

Genuinely curious, not being rude.

Hey there.

It’s unfortunate but /who is a bit wonky and not always accurate.
However, some Era servers have dips in population depending on the hour or day. Some servers are heavier on one faction than the other. There have been server connections and Winterly listed servers included in the Whitemane cluster.

This shows the transfer destinations and how the attempt has been made to consolidate populations. There’s no accurate site that I know of that can give you exact numbers. I have characters on a couple of servers but am not currently playing Era. One of the servers where I have characters is Bloodsail Buccaneers which is RP-PVE and not currently connected with any other realm. Horde players on that server will number in the single digits regularly. Hopefully someone will respond with a better idea of numbers elsewhere.

I’m on fairbanks or Whiteman cluster and it is super dead. I rode around for hours yesterday and found 2 horde. I got so bored i went to orgrimar and barely anyone there also. The ah is also pretty underwhelming. Stormwind is also a ghost town.

On a side note mankrik has a good economy and some life to it. I made some warriors the other day to mess around. I have just been waiting around hoping that blizzard would do something but it doesn’t seem like they will. I will probably just end up transferring my mages over .

Whitemane is fine, don’t know what you are talking about. Both factions raid Naxx and many other things every weeks. Sure it’s low population (just like Mankrik btw) but there is a strong community and an ok economy.

If you want to find people to fight, create an alt of the opposite faction on another server of the cluster and /who

A real dead server would be Deviate Delight.

What’s if i create my own horde and gank myself :laughing:

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Dancing with yourself.
Ok Billy Idol