What's the big deal with player housing?

You have no idea. I first got really interested during Runescape and then many of us have been asking for it for 20 years. I am happy it’s finally here. (assuming it won’t only be an xpac feature)

Yes. But I also have homes in Skyrim, ESO, Palia, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Unpacking, Pixelia, and every world in every Sims games. Why? Because like my home irl I like having places to keep my stuff.

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Yea but like how many hours a day they gonna send in their home ? I can see it being cool for like 1 week


so, u want wow to be like anmal crssing and mc and stardew got it

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And like ESO. And Wildstar while we’re at it.

what about roblox

Just because a game doesnt have a feature doesnt mean it needs it.

If I can turn it into a viral lore trap that gets the views on Youtube, yes.

In game houses depending on how they do it is one of those things that either very few people will interact with or everyone will use to access utilities within it.

Then there is that tiny set of players who really get into decorating virtual houses and for some reason don’t play the games that are dedicated to that type of game play.

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The thing I see is rpers will have more space, but it already exists in areas specifically devoid of npcs for those people.

I might spend quite a bit, RP can take awhile. :slight_smile:

They’re 100% going the Rockstar route where it will start off tame and easily farmable and then over time they’ll introduce more insane things at a much higher price for gold so they can push tokens. Oh you have a house…but do you have a boat that you can decorate and make your home? You have the boat, but do you have the flying draenei spaceship? All of which will sit out in the water, never to be touched by you or other players…

Wait for all the “dance club”. and brothel ads like the swamp FFXiV has become.

belonging to the world and organically integrating with it brings the player one step closer to being a pert of the world.

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They are excited about a lot of inflated expectations that are unlikely to ever be met. There’s almost no info to go on right now other than Blizz’s track record and that…well it ain’t good in this department.

Housing is just an RPer thing even if they do it well anyhow.


I live near an island in RL. I want to create a fantasy house in the middle of the forest, like Belameth. I want to live in the forest, but I can’t let go of the ocean…

Why not both in RL and gaming?

Maybe they can get around the whole “city hubs becoming ghost towns” things by not introducing a new hub city? Just make some center plaza with a bank and ah that connects to a neighborhood of player housing floating in the void.

Yea 100% agree

One of the biggest funs I had in SWTOR, ESO, Wildstar, and FFXIV was to make my personal house. It’s an environment where I can make an expression of my character and self, much as making a transmog and invite friends to hang-out whenever I want or for whatever purpose it may build.

I am in particular, very proud of the houses I made in FFXIV at the moment. It is just genuine something fun to do, people who enjoy RP are super excited for this feature.

Yeah, I’m one that doesn’t really understand player housing either. Like, OK, I have a house. I’ll spend 1 day decorating it… and then what? Houses will be instanced or they’ll only exist in a dedicated place. The majority of the time players will be exploring, running dungeons, raiding, pvp, etc… how is this house supposed to be a major thing that draws in a significant crowd? Wouldn’t players rather have more classes/specs, creative new battlegrounds, a more immersive questing experience and current system and bug improvements? Now, if players could pillage/destroy other people’s houses… that would be sick. Turn it into a world pvp avenue to create tension and excitement out in the world - make it worthwhile to defend your home.