What's the better server? stormrage or dalaran?

My horde server currently is thrall. It’s the 9th biggest server in the game with about 17,000 monthly users. Not too bad.

Here’s the problem, the biggest alliance server by far is stormrage which also has 17,000 monthly users. My current alliance server is Dalaran, which has about 9,000 monthly users, and I’m not married to it.

So would it be better to move my characters to stormrage or should I continue moving my characters from dead realms to dalaran?

My two problems are this:

  1. dalaran is not the cheapest server because it’s smaller (nothing like a dead realm though).
  2. stormrage has the most toxic people I have seen in the game outside of horde.

So is dalaran still very active despite its smaller size and is stormrage really as bad as the people I see in groups?

Is Stormrage really that bad? I’m currently moving my Alliance alts to it and I haven’t encountered any toxicity. Then again I don’t really socialize, preferring to PuG random dungeons and don’t partake in Mythic+

The larger the server the larger the amount of baddies seems?

I can’t say I’ve seen that much toxicity on Stormrage as a server but I also don’t pug. In the world people are generally polite enough eg happy to help with quests or come to my latest terrible alt’s rescue if they see me struggling with a quest object. I do do a fair amount of crafting and all my 1-1 interactions have been mutually polite and unremarkable.

I came here at the end of BFA from proudmoore, and whilst general chat here is typically quieter than proudmoore’s, I don’t mind that, either. and it’s nice not having to constantly deal with bigoted trolls in trade chat who come to “the lgbt server” specifically to make trouble.

Both servers are fine, Dalaran has some really nice people on both sides, server is pretty balanced (horde side lower in pop)

I notice some toxicity here and there on Stormrage. Not as much as say A52 or Illidan.

I say go Dalaran if you want a tighter nit community, Stormrage if you only care about population.


Why is dalaran tighter knit?

Go to the biggest server there is, if you encounter toxicity just ignore them. Better be on a big server.

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Because it’s smaller than Stormrage, there is still good discussion in Trade and general. On Stormrage all channels are filled with services spam that goes 100mph…

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What if I don’t want a guild?

Theres more pugs on Stormrage because it’s more populated. But Dalaran is still very high pop you won’t really have an issue there either.

Ysera / Durotan for a small server and you won’t get pestered with Guild invites or spam messages if you decided to turn on the ability to receive the chatter.

Stormrage seems to be Alliance centric with a decent population.

Dalaran is good sized both Horde and Alliance which to me is where I moved most of toons to from lower pop realms that are dead aka Ysera / Durotan.

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If you ever wanted all your characters on one realm in the future Dalaran is the go-to…

But Thrall is a great server so no real reason to transfer your horde. I play on Dalaran Ally, and Thrall Horde.

OOh interesting.

Try reading the op instead of suggesting a dead realm

I read it and also read his post further down that they didn’t want a guild, which you obviously did not read :joy:

Having just moved from Arygos (an actual dead server) to Dalaran, it’s kinda funny to see Dalaran and “smaller” in the same sentence. Dalaran definitely has a healthy active population and the AH prices for non-commodities are extremely reasonable compared to actual low pop realms. I personally wouldn’t see the benefit of moving to a “fuller” realm. Gold really isn’t a problem. shrug

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DK have never been to stormrage ,Dalaran is ok if you can get on it .

Nothing I have stated has anything to do with being in a guild.

You’re gotcha moment actually backfired

You should see what a high pop or full server looks like lol


Dalaran is listed as full, so not sure what your colloquial definition is meant to be. When people say “high” or “full” they are typically referring to the population on the realm selection screen.