What's the best/fastest way to farm flightstones?

Im with you on this, I see everyone missing the point youre making, and twisting it into something else.

Hes saying in order to get to the BiS pvp gear, why do we need pve resources?

Why cant there be either a separate resource, or a more pvp reliable way other than Whispers to get a few crests?

I know Blizzard wont change this, but it is what he meant.

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Conquest Gear already scales to the ilvl cap of the patch in PvP (489).
You don’t need to upgrade it AT ALL unless you want to PvE with it (like I do on my chars).
Then yes, you’re EXPECTED to do PvE activities to earn your PvE ilvl.
They were even generous enough to put it on the champion PvE track, making it as good as heroic raid gear.

So now we can get 4pc heroic tier gear from PvP and even the 4pc set from strife (World PvP) gear on the veteran track for a total of ~470 PvE ilvl from PvP.

That’s how good PvPers have it this patch and I hope it becomes the norm from now on.

P.S.: Blizzard, don’t listen to these guys and don’t botch PvP gearing please. It’s almost perfect as it is, other then the PvP currency caps and lack of special features, like the PvP gloves of yore.

Remove the cap on acquisition and make it a expenditure cap.

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Mythic plus is needed because there will always be players who just aren’t happy unless they get to be a speed demon.

Personally that’s not me, and I prefer roflstomping a dungeon if I’m going to dungeon, so Timewalk is obviously a thing (but only when it’s up on a given week) and sincerely plenty of players prefer to play against human creativity every day rather than these.

It doesn’t matter if I come at this game from the same perspective as the OP here. Making the game force players to dip their toes in all styles of the content is silly. The value of a game that’s survived this long SHOULD be that it has something for everyone.

one of many huh

I don’t say that.

Dailies. Alots and alots of them.