What's the best/fastest way to farm flightstones?

I find I have so many crests but I need like 1000 flightstones right now lol.

What’s the fastest/easiest way to get these now?

The campaign quests are giving me 10, which is brutally slow.


I get quite a lot from mythic+, so I think farming what you’d consider easy keys.


Why does this not surprise me? So…basically we NEED to pve as pvpers. But our gear…is total garbage for pve… They need a shakeup.


Nope? :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Also no, although it’s definitely a bit worse, which is fine.


And that’s what the fox says!

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Not it’s not fine. It’s trash design on a billion dollar game.

  1. World Events and Quests: Participating in world events like the dream surge, super bloom, and great hunts are excellent ways to acquire Flightstones, typically yielding about 45 to 60 per event​​.
  2. Mythic+ Dungeon Rotation: Engaging in the Mythic+ Dungeon rotation is currently one of the best methods for farming Flightstones. Although Mythic+ content can be challenging for first-timers, it’s a worthwhile endeavor for accumulating Flightstones​​.
  3. World Quests, Treasures, and Rares: Completing world quests can reward you with Flightstones. Additionally, exploring for treasures and defeating rare enemies around the game world are viable methods for farming Flightstones​​.
  4. Specific Weekly Activities: Focusing on certain weekly activities can be very rewarding. For example, completing the “A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen” activity can yield 200 Flightstones, while obtaining Obsidian Flightstones from Valdrakken Treasures or Scentsational Niffen Treasures gives 100 Flightstones. Also, defeating Zaqali Elders world bosses can reward you with 70 Flightstones​​.

Do you know how much you get for a Mythic+ dungeon?

Like a +5?

75 if you time it.

50 if you don’t.

(you lose the bonus 25)

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Oh that’s good actually ok thank you I’ll just do that.

I get most of mine from treasure hunting. But I love treasure hunting.


So, you don’t want to PVE, but it bothers you that your gear is bad for PVE?


So what you’re saying is, if you want better pvp gear, go pve! Ok, how about making our pvp gear score the ACTUAL score of the gear so that it isn’t gimped??

Who would care? Oh the raiders would feel like we did it the EASY way, when in reality, our hearts are pumping the whole time while they’re all doing their little raid dances.

If you did it PVP way, where our gear would be on par…well you didn’t have to do mythic + stuff over and over AND OVER again. You actually had FUN playing. So no…your gear may say 489 in pvp, but it’s trash in pve and can’t get into mythic or raids with ilvl that low. Maybe, if you made pvp gear WORTH IT, more people would DO it.

Current blizz way makes ZERO sense.


Ya know, come to think of it…if pvp gear was on par with pve gear…would ANYBODY bother with Mythic+ at all? I mean you could…but would you if you didn’t have to? I’m all for it if that’s fun for you…have at it. But that’s no reason to punish pvpers. The difference back during pandaland…where pvp gear wasn’t perfect but…as one friend put it…acceptable…is how it should be.

You can get flightstones from PvP. If healers get extra flightstones from solo shuffle then I could picture that being a good way to earn them. (idk if they do but it would be weird if they didn’t now that honor points can’t upgrade gear anymore)

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considering the number of players who stopped raiding because m+ gave equal rewards, faster, for less effort, no they probably wouldn’t.

Why do you care that your gear is bad for pve when all you want to do is pvp?


This couldn’t be more wrong… basically every one of my toons is capped on flightstones after literally just doing the two blitz weekly quests and 2 weekly sparks quests of the 3 that could have been done. 6 hours combined over the last 3 weeks would have got you to capped flightstones.

That’s 4 blitz queues per week for 3 weeks to cap 2000/2000 (doesn’t even matter if you win)… if you aren’t doing 4 queues a week, then you probably are barely playing and won’t need the PvE ilvl increase to begin with.


I think the fastest way if you have them is to farm seeds and treasures in the emerald dream.

Keys are good with a group to farm them but unless you can solo carry the dungeon at the level youre farming theirs always a chance of failure or slow down where as the seeds are just garunteed flightstones every 3 or less minutes.

That is noy what the bonus comes from. You have to complete the key for 50 flightstones. Someone in the group then has to gain m+ rating to get the bonus 25.