What's the best/fastest way to farm flightstones?

You literally are arguing to make pvp necessary for pve gearing, while raging that its the other way around. All while trying to imply pvp doesnt reward the currency you need. This is a truly horrible take on gear balancing. Pvp should NEVER give comparable gear to pve.

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Why should PvPers be left out of their progression to high ilevel gear? The gear is separate from PvE anyway. At different points in time, it’s given bonuses solely for PvP, the ilevel gets reduced outside of PvP, had its own stats, etc to separate it.

So why is it a problem if it’s separate and high ilevel?

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In case you didnt understand my position, I’ll rephrase. Pvp should never give gear that performs competitively in pve. Full stop. Not sure what your point is bringing up the current state of pvp gearing. I’m not objecting to its current state, just OPs suggestions that pvp give gear competitive in pve. I never said pvp gear shouldnt have progression, or whatever weird thing about separation and ilvl you imagined. You invented an argument i wasn’t having so you could talk about weird things. No need to strawman around here.

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is your subscription paid?
if so…why would they bother making sense…
they’re already pocketing your money.

Bg’s. All my alts that i play in pvp have their flightstones capped all the time no matter how much i use them.

they could do it…
the entry level crafted stuff
advances for pvp…
they’re just not incentivized
to bother…
since our subs continue to be paid
whether they do or do not.

say it with your wallet…
if enough people do that,
they’ll listen…

Say what? Where am I complaining about anything?

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Based on their other posts in the thread I think they were just being facetious, albeit a bit hot headily but what do you expect from a pvping gnome.

I think doing the WQs twice a week in the Caverns and the Dream are a solid source of flightstones, they all award them, some award solely them as the quest reward.

M+ gives, what, 75 per dungeon I heard?

Treasures are a solid, endless source, but it does take some farming. Same with the trash piles in the Cavern.

The seeds offer some as well, but those aren’t that efficient if you have to wait for them to bloom. For 2m of waiting, they don’t offer that much I don’t think. Maybe if the bloom is fully populated.

I was using the seeds more for Crests.

the argument over pvp gear in here is funny because 1) it has absolutely nothing to do with the thread’s original topic, and 2) they already tried just giving pvp gear its pvp item levels as its actual item levels back in shadowlands.

end result, season 1 was weird and annoying because pvp gear was pre-mythic bis for several specs and effectively worthless for other specs, but it was still by far the easiest way to raise your item level in the early weeks of the season.

lo and behold, they changed it due to pve complainers, and that was less of a “waah i HAVE to pvp to get good gear” thing and more of a “these items have HORRIBLE itemization for my particular spec but i need the primary stat gains for pve, so my class just gets to feel like garbage until vault and nathria gear starts rolling in” thing

i think the present balance is fine as is. assuming you’re full 489 pvp gear, you get to just dumpster everyone in pvp for free who isn’t as geared as you, and even bis pve-only gear isn’t going to match you because it doesn’t have enough vers.

when you consider that, it’s perfectly fair that your bis pvp gear isn’t as good as bis pve gear in pve content.

you’re complaining right now!

I need um. I do one blitz per week quest. Where is the other??

So basically, if I whine like a PVEer, maybe it wont be RIP PVP. I sorta doubt it.

The campaign quests are the fastest because you also get all the rep which translates to 75-100 freebies at a time… especially if you’re getting bonus renown as an alt.
Plant all the seeds you can while questing and pick up somnuts.


Im like always capped.

Yeah m+. Just keep deleveling your own key to 11 and you’ll get 2-2.6k IO people looking to farm that will just explode your key for you. I’m finishing keys at like 13-15 min a pop on my monk this week.

Duh. PVE isn’t just dungeons and raids. It’s questing and world content.

No it’s not.

I do too. I farm them that way and from world quests. Also, rares.

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat: