What's the best transmog you've ever seen?

Not really into transmog, I just use the Correct Appearance.

I had to stop and congratulate a Mag’har warrior I saw that went full Garrosh with his appearance. Had the tusks and everything

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Best Transmog? Oh, that’s me! (Unfortunately I’m the best I’ve ever seen. Lots of people just can’t seem to bother to dress up properly.) Looking good is work!




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Is this a long-winded rate my mog thread?
I’ll be honest, the mog you linked OP doesn’t really do it for me. I’m not into the minimalist sets. But it is clean, and bonus points for actually making the cosmetic items work people usually just slap them on just because they can.

This is my own tmog and not the best I’ve ever seen… but I’m quite proud of it and one of the better ones I’ve personally done.

And another one of mine (minus the staff)…

It’s a full set but I changed the helm… it matches and one item changes the entire vibe of the set. This was my go-to tmog in Cata and WoD and it actually got me a lot of positive comments from people out in the world.

One of my all time faves was Mario who used to post here (dressed as Mario) :upside_down_face:


Gotta admit, OP’s post is one of my favorites of all time.

As for me, I love Vulpera because I love ridiculous mogs.

Also can’t add pics :frowning:

Jungle Priest!

Mine once I get that sweet sweet Warden armor in 6 months.


I wear tusks on my humans instead of the orcs. :slight_smile:

I mean anyone can, just as little girls wear their mom’s shoes.

But they belong on Orcs. :wink:

Idk, I like caster mogs. I like my mogs. I like ones that aren’t just sets, save for maybe a couple pieces for the sake of color scheme. There’s a lot of really good mogs out there. But my favorites are probably princess sets that use all the slots. Just a dress and crown doesn’t cut it.

The Yeti suit is my favorite! I don’t think I’ll ever see a transmog that beats that one out. I still wear it because of how unique and amazing it is :slight_smile:

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I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on mine over the past few years.

That certainly wasn’t the intention, but I’m glad people like their own mogs.

I often compliment players for a transmog or clever name. I especially enjoy group-related events, as they allow me to spy a gaggle of characters at once.

As you may imagine, I complimented a number of players during the recent Goblin event.
Waiting around to kill the Greench is another favorite time of mine for the same reason.

I made several in-game friends just this past December. :grin: One person’s character had on a mog that was so striking, I couldn’t keep my fingers from typing how awesome it looked on that character. (Long story short, that was one of the best mogs I’ve seen in the game.)

I like simple

Like mine

Any of mine. I have several that are just fire

I wear a mismash of pandaland CM and cata pvp armor at times, and I once ran into someone wearing the exact same combination

They clearly had the best transmog cuz it was the same as mine

Obviously mine here.

Sup. Tusks for life

I find the sets that stick to one core colour to be aweful looking.
Since bfa I’ve noticed a lot more off pieces between colours that enable a better flow between different pieces. Things like having a metallic belt buckle with some of the more fluorescent tops from legion then mixed with the more barbaric pieces from bfa.

I really like when I see someone with a helm/shoulders from low res vanilla/tbc and they use more recent pieces and it doesn’t look out of place.