What's the best transmog you've ever seen?

I have yet to come across a mog that makes me stop and say, “now that’s cool!” In fact, I have yet to find one that actually makes me stop to look at it.

Had to come back here to bump, looks like maybe sooner rather than later :wink:

I ended up with this set mostly by finding things that went with this helmet. Which is how I went from a well-mannered bastion of the Light to TONIGHT! WE DINE! IN HELL!!!

I’ve been using this set for years and don’t ever plan to stop using it.

I worked hard to get all the pieces for my set. I’m happy with it and I don’t plan to change this one.

I can’t remember who it was, but they were a human monk that looked like Mr. Clean.

Now I want to roll a human monk to see if I can duplicate that look…

I’ve enjoyed this one a lot.

Wish there were tattoo options as ‘shirts’. Might be an interesting addition to the mog scene.

my demon hunter transmog when i was maining it is the best thing i’ve seen in this game. Sadly i had to drop him (cause playing melee sucks). Now i’m just basic hot blood elf female

I was always proud of this mog i made for my DH. Also i’ve gotten pretty crafty with mogs for my evoker.

(and many other variations of these 4, this is how i learned you can only save 20 transmogs)