What's the best transmog you've ever seen?

Must’ve been something like this (a mix between the heritage coat/chest and the warfront stuff, since they use roughly the same color gold):

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i still have it saved, my goal is to make it a reality.

We talking about full sets or personal tmogs? Because if we’re talking sets… it’s still Paladins judgement set. I would love to see that get high rezzed

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My “former Farstrider” look. :wink:

Might be slightly biased here, but

The boots, gloves, weapon, and sometimes shoulders change, but the core of this is Gucci.


My paladin in full tier 3 with tabard of frost and the blue ashbringer. Nobody stands a chance.


Um, mine of course…

Looks even better in game

mine /thread

How about this variation?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

That’s pretty nice, but I think transmogrification should either be showing off personal accomplishment (like this Warrior’s) or complement the character it’s on.

Behold our fearless leader’s transmog!


I’m a cute (green) Gobbo.
Wearing cute glowy (green) armour.
Wielding dual (green) Doomhammers.

How is this even a question!?

I really like my warlock’s transmog :cowboy_hat_face:

I dunno, but if you’re an Orc and aren’t wearing Tusks… it ain’t the best of anything. :wink:

That’s really cool, can’t say I’ve seen that before. I really like yours as well, very nice!

I just changed mine

I like mine and I wish the Armory showed the bow better, it looks nice with the transmog.

I’m not sure I’d call it the best ever, but it’s the one I always keep on this character because it’s my favorite.

Right now I’m matching my pets got the yellow and purple mice and half the fun is matching mog, and as to the fact i will agree Kul Tiran warrior can look so cool.

I think that the mog on this hunter–which I hadn’t applied for a long while–is perfect. It’s simple and suits the class well, IMO. (During Legion, there was a “rate-the-mog-above-you” thread and this outfit received high praise from the person who posted after me.)

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The glorious set on a fem belf is the best Ive seen