What's the best alliance races for rogue?

i’m talking both RP/lore-wise, and gameplay-wise. i can’t really picture any of the alliance races being all that good at being a dime-a-dozen backstabbing scumbag, no offense. i more picture them lecturing one another over the merits of honor, justice, rightousness, etc, etc…

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Ask any BE. Us VEs are back stabbing scumbags.


Worgen. Yea, they will scare the hell out of anyone RP/Lore wise.

Of course you can’t go wrong by going Gnome either because well…Gnome master race.

I also say Void Elf since some rogue abilities appear to have some void flavor. Also they copy our awesome stealth animation. Night Elves are handy for a 2nd wanna be vanish I guess.

man… void-elves for casters, void-elves for hunters, void-elves for rogues… what class ARE’NT void-elves considered ‘the best’ at? starting to think they’re a mary-sue race with how-often folks tell me they’re the greatest…

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Undead is the best race after you come to your senses and transfer to Horde, just saying.

If you insist then go with an Elf.

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I feel worgen and void elf fit best. Of course there is human and night elf too. Really I just don’t think of gnomes and dwarves as rogues

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You’re in luck.

Both races that could fit thematically also simulate quite well for damage.

Humans following those of Alterac descent or perhaps Westfall (who has seen the benefits of joining the Alliance).

Void Elves make perfect sense, as outcasts you have a big invested interest in spying on the kingdoms and activities you were once a part of. Perhaps you have family members on the inside who still love you and your class allows you to see them.

see, i already play horde, i’m asking for the alliance though. plus, undead are’nt best horde-rogues, it’s goblins.

Dark Iron Dwarf is cool. You can clear all debuffs on yourself and gain a big damage boost.

Mechagnome for another cheat death…


I’d go with a Void Elf if Alliance, if you can’t look like a baddy then looking hot is almost as good!

…and sure Goblins are cool but they can’t eat the player they just ganked. :laughing:

oh right. i forgot the alliance had walking trashcans as a race… i did’nt even consider them… guess i figured their clanking feet and gears would be too noisy.

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Wolves stalk prey from the shadows then leap out surprisingly and slaughter you vicious wolf savage beast stalking prey in the shadows incredible rogue assassin


Imagine a wolf stalking you down from the shadows, only Worgen is rogue

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Night elf do have on of the most powerful racials it’s a free vanish that leads into basically improved stealth. Void elf and human body fit thematically. Rogue would be more the outlaw/combat spec since pirate wise they seem to be the dominant race and let’s be honest there are more dishonest and backstabbing greedy humans than most other races. I include goblins with that as they at least will be straight up when robbing you. But to wise you could make any fit. A worgen couldnhave been a human rogue before his transformation and as for gnomes they are clearly doing it for technological advancement clearly. Dwarves as well especially with the dark iron.

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Gnomes being there size fits Rogues, Worgens are stalker wolves basically, Void Elves fit Sub Rogues best due to shadowy magic being tied to that spec, Humans fit the piratey Outlaw spec of Rogues.

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It’s been awhile, but seemed to me night elf had a stealth racial enhanced by a rogue ability?

But maybe the other races’ profession racials help a little with engineering or other professions rogues might like. And I forget what the velf racial was…

Human For Assassination.

Kultiran for Outlaw.

It is quite Obvious which race makes the best as Subtlety Rogues.

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Draenei, obviously.


If only, that’d be the dream

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Nightelf and gnome.