What's the best alliance races for rogue?

The improved stealth racial is gone sadly.

The old one from Classic:

The Current one from Retail:

EDIT: Can we fix it so WoWhead Classic is allowed to be posted the way same as WoWhead for retail?

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I really want those daggers.


I would say Mechagnome or Void Elf.


You’re right, sub rogue is obviously Worgen.
Oh wait… so is assassination AND outlaw as well!!!


Void Elf. Very hot


What’s falling damage?

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I like Dark iron Dwarves and Night elf Rogues personally.

Fitting thematically and quite strong.

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lot of people saying night-elf, but… all i can think is… shadowmeld isn’t that useful for pvp/bgs.

Worgen rogues would be more appealing if they could use their own claws in combat.


Shadow meld is another vanish bruh, priceless for rogues.


but you can’t move in shadowmeld. seems pretty useless for pvp-fights… then again, i always just dot rogues whenever i see’em in bgs, so… what do i know.

Shadowmeld lets you re-enter normal stealth which is handy. I use it a lot on my Druid while gathering if I’m too lazy to kill whatever aggroed me.

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I keep trying to level a rogue. My gut tells me NE.

Human, look at humans irl. There are some real dirtbags out there.

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