20k achievement point player here. Hello. FFXIV is MUCH better than wow right now. I just like to come here and try to remind everyone how bad wow is and how the wow devs don’t care a bit for their players. As soon as my sub is up in a few days I’ll be gone for the rest of this expansion.
Loading screens? Its 2021, get a solid state drive. Those “loading screens” are shorter than the time it takes me to blink.
Oh noes people are largely dissatisfied with yet another garbage expansion. How awful!
My own self was getting in the way. After two years of former guildies wearing me down, I finally capitulated.
It’s pretty fun. Admittedly I am not super invested in my character, but that should change when FF introduces female Hrothgar.
The baseline classes are just minimalist, and that’s compared to WoW’s CURRENT class model… post Legion… sorry I just don’t wanna be a mage/DK and or warrior…
Me and a friend tried it and it didn’t even let us party up to do content together during the trial without subbing to the game. Also , the graphics look like a cheap teenage anime show and the combat system is much worse then WoWs.
Never underestimate the power of true believers. And trolls.
My whole system is M2 drives, but that isn’t the point as you know. Open world games shouldn’t have loading screens at all unless you’re going into an instance. GW2’s load screens between zones is bad enough, but this game is a whole new level.
Hmmm this one has developed an immunity to the rage inducing effects. Fascinating. I’m gonna need you to spit in this cup for further “studies”.
Really just one thing and that is I don’t care for the visual style.
The only other MMO that I ever liked the look of was Wildstar. Unfortunitly for me that one bit the dust because it was “hardcore.” A lesson Blizz seems not to have learned yet.
Hard to tell, really, since nothing in my first post indicated I think Ion is perfect. Or is that what it means to be tired of FFXIV astroturfing on this forum now?
You’re subbed to this game even though this game is actively seeking to personally hate you, apparently. To be honest, that’s just as ridiculous a mindset as the FFXIV spammers.
Wildstar was released way too early. I think with all of its content finished and polished it would of faired better, It didn’t help that Blizzard dropped a patch right on top of is launch.
It was satire on the whole “Yoshida’s witnesses” thing you pulled, acting like people that enjoy another game are cultists and demanding of ridicule.
Also I’m subbed to wow because I enjoy TBC. I’m not gonna run away and hide because retail players can’t handle the fact I don’t like their game. I understand the pool is big enough for both of us and don’t need to recklessly throw stones. But I will defend myself if need be.
Well first off, I don’t have a need for an MMORPG in my game lineup specifically. The genre is cool but more than anything, it needs to be a good game made around a franchise/world that I enjoy. Final Fantasy seems cool but I’ve barely touched any of the games in that series, so on its own FFXIV’s pull is weak.
Second, I’m a visually oriented person, and FFXIV’s graphics don’t wow me. It’s better on a technical level compared to WoW, but it’s also rather generic looking. Large parts of its world look like they could’ve been built with prefab assets from the Unit asset store, and overall art direction is weak. This one is odd to me because I’ve seen gameplay of the FF7 remake and that looks gorgeous, I don’t know what when wrong with FFXIV.
I’ve played up to about 73 and when my friends quit it killed my drive to play the game. It just isn’t as fun to jump into without a few people you know.
Character models for the longest time. And now that I’ve tried it, character models and segmented world are still my largest complaints. The game doesn’t feel much like a world to me.
Ahh yeah that’s a big one. Loading screens are bad enough as it is in WoW, I’d go nuts running into the stupid things just running around in the open world.
Here’s my highest leveled retail character, I don’t remember when I last played it though.
They aren’t long, but just their existence makes the world feel so much smaller and disconnected. I really take for granted how big WoW’s world is by comparison.
Oh, also I’m low flight ceilings and everything not on the ground (so most mountains, cliffs, and even rocks) have invisible walls that prevent you from landing/standing on them. There are a surprising number of small, nitpicky issues that continue to grow into a larger one.
This one especially is a bit silly. Most of the posters are the same “WoW sucks!!!” troupe that…for some reason are here still after years of seeing them. Or my favorite, the “WoW sucks!!! but I’m getting my money’s worth until the sub lapses!!!” which just makes me question their mentality. Like who finds sitting around complaining to be entertaining…?
I would not be surprised to find a handful of streamers may have gotten a bonus check though. Could be a coincidence sure, but when they all seem to magically get into FF at the same time out of nowhere, it makes you wonder. Honestly, I’d be impressed really. Be quite clever for Squeenix to do that.
As long as they keep paying their sub I don’t think it matters whether or not they like it.