What's stopping you from playing FFXIV?

cat girl bad, sweaty dwarf good!

Nothing is stopping me. Just have no interest in playing it.

Iā€™m playing other games. Discovered the games that I enjoy have horizontal progression instead of vertical.

Outside of the Doma storyline (and even then, itā€™s only because of the Doman aesthetic), thereā€™s nothing in 14 that would be out of place in ā€˜westernā€™ style RPGs. Fighting gods? They all do that. Spirit realms? Yup. Uneasy alliances? In spades. Betrayal? Ya donā€™t say. Chosen ones? Dime a dozen.

  1. Still enjoying WoW (even if just barely due to lack of new content) and donā€™t have the time for two MMOs.

  2. I donā€™t like the art style. Itā€™s weird, I like anime, but FF14 rubs me the wrong way. Plus, I donā€™t like the ā€˜gals have to be cutesy and the guys are grim anime pretty boysā€™ deal. I mean WoW has the same problem but not nearly as bad. Plus, the characters have too much neck and not enough head.

  3. FF14, like so many more ā€œrealisticā€ video game worlds, looks so washed out with bright grey in the open world. WoW might be more ā€œcartoonyā€ but I like its more colorful world (current drab expansion not as much).

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It is because Final Fantasy is just some weeb trash :upside_down_face:

As I usually mention, it is some kind of western, moronic arrogance that plays into some criticisms of products that is not designed in the west.

I have a thing for dragons, so I can forgive that. Add in Iceheart and the Archbishop, and I think thereā€™s a good amount of compelling stuff there that played off each other well. Bringing in Sloppeh to connect to the next expansion was inspired, as well.

I mean, sure it had that stuff but for a long time in HW the rest of the world, outside of Coerthas and Dravania, seems as frozen as Western Coerthas.

Contrast that with Stormblood where the world feel like it is actively moving forward, progressing towards something.

Yeah, it was definitely its own story. I still liked Stormblood - Iā€™m not knocking it wholesale. Just noting that the split focus on Doma and Ala Mhigo and unrelated villains split the focus and created a more disjointed experience that was understandably offputting to many.

It had individual moments of brilliance, offset by those moments not quite gelling as they should.

cat girl good, sweaty dwarf bad!

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I like how itā€™s more about the journey to max level than max level itself lol a lot of people seem to have forgotten that on WoW sadly.


Particularly the developers.

I played it, itā€™s not as free and open a MMORPG as WoW. I donā€™t like the gearing and the fact the pvp is dead in FFXIV. Many of the systems in FF14 are too restrictive or bland. Crafting is a good example, itā€™s much more complex than in WoW which is great but at the same time you then have crafting not affect anything gameplay wise. Itā€™s bland. Thereā€™s nothing like rocket boots, toys, enchants, jewelcrafting stuff, or any of the many utility stuff you can do with wow crafting.

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The learning curve is stopping me. I like ez mode

Thank you for summing up the reason I donā€™t play the game.

Well that and the anime art style is another big stopper for me

I played A Realm Reborn and about half of Heavensward before quitting. There are so many things I like about that game, but the mandatory group content killed it.

Itā€™s too stressful for me, particularly because I could only dodge about half of boss mechanics due to the server lag.

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That is subjective. FFXIV looks a bit more ā€œrealisticā€ than WOW, but does not nearly feel as smooth and flat water that you can walk on with fish floating above it?

  1. Space on my laptop
  2. The Cult of Yoshida
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Not a big fan of the JRPG aesthetic.

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Twenty years ago, Iā€™d be playing both WoW and FFXIV. Older now. Retail WoW (and to a lesser extent the Classic series) is the older personā€™s game. :wink: