What's stopping you from playing FFXIV?

We really aren’t forced to go to the Maw and torghast over and over. I’ve been a few times for the story element but after a point I never touch either any more.

I agree with most of this and I do care about the story. I am a lore lover. but… WoW is not perfect and they have failed in the story arc on multiple occasions, that being said, I still enjoy WoW.

Welcome to patch 9.1.

More Maw, More 'Ghast.

The most active thread currently on the WoW forums for the past 24 hours is one about FFXIV. :joy:

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(pirouettes through yet another thread about FFXIV3.14 before scampering off to get more coffee)


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I’m done with it at the moment, not DONE DONE, but waiting for the new stuff to come out, they’re bringing back the FF15 car and I NEEDS it.

WoW literally makes you repeat dungeons and call it “endgame”.

Yes, the MSQ is long, so? Is there a problem with a story driven game having a long story?

You’ve never played it have you?

It has pvp, the pvp is just bad.

Drought? I’m sorry but if you think FFXIV has added nothing new for the past year, then you are mistaken.

Still better than “Revenge! Because Revenge! For Revenge!” that is the one note of Nidhogg.

Totally disagree. Nidhogg was boring and one note. Zenos is at least interesting imo.

I’ve played it a bit over 1000 hours over the years, at this point I’m bored of the endgame loop and don’t want to spend my time crafting. What I like about WoW is there are more things for me to do postgame to progress my characters. (also FF pvp is terrible) The game honestly felt better to me genuinely while leveling through the story then it did after max level. that said if your more of a story guy FF is probably more your speed while there are endgame raids and whatnot, nowhere near as many as WoW. not sure if i’ll be back for Endwalker.

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I already have two jobs; work and Warcraft.


My favorite feature of FFXIV is the rubber banding.

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You just can’t help but to enter every single thread about FF and make your snide and biased comments. But hey, you do you.

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I think i’ll stick with STO and SWTOR. Maby if Rift gets new life i’ll go back to it.

FF just feels too Anime to me in graphics.

hey a new player can enjoy the content of all the expansions but after a year and when you level a couple of jobs , good luck being in the fc house spamming roulettes or playing mahjong. nobody argued that wow’s dungeons are not repetitive but in ff14 you just aggro everything and AOE to death, great content. story driven rpg? good luck with all the fetch quests in ff14, great content. i have played enough ff14 to like it but i will never put it on a pedestal. it’s good for what it is.

i tried it
Its sooo damn slooooow and boring and there is like a million pages of text of information on the first 10 minutes

hard pass

I played the trial up to like 32 as a Warrior but seeing another sub fee when I’m not sure I want to commit is what is stopping me at the moment, I’d love to play with my friends though :slight_smile:

Side note: The combo system for warrior is actually cool but I’d love to try out other jobs as I think it’s called.

I’m just getting into it. So far so good. There were a couple moments where I thought to myself, “this isn’t going to work.” But I pushed past them and I think it’s going to be a great alternative when I can’t take any wow, as sometimes occurs.

i dont want to?

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Nothing stops me from playing ANY MMO out there on the market. I have basically tried them all except the old school everquest and Guild Wars I & II. I first started playing SWTOR in 2013 really enjoyed it until about 2017 when they had a new director come in and trickle down content. Sort of like what WoW is doing with 9.0 and 9.1 dry times. I came to WoW in Dec 2015. I have made friends joined guilds that were huge only to dry up like the WEST right now in U.S. Truly sad. FF14 isnt bad, neither is ESO. Neverwinter is pay to play. I don’t get down like that. No Sir No Ma’am.

I decided recently to play FF14 after other friends have and left WoW and I’m only one left not to do so only to “try” to have faith in the Devs. But that mentality has gotten my happiness anywhere. I think there comes a time where just sticking to one game limits the endless possibilities.
I can go further into what I am unhappy about WoW. Theres threads beyond endless that have explained it. From casual playing to raiding and class abilities watered down and jumping expac to expac wondering if my fav class will be subpar. From no housing to new systems each expansion, its a new game every 2 years for content to mean NOTHING. Who wants to further invest in a game fearing abilities classes systems nerfed around the clock. I cant keep playing Russian Roulette with the White Knights and Ions Cult.

Love yall, I have gotten to know few good people on these forums I try to be respectful most of the time and realize we are all players just trying to be happy and have faith to trust it will get better. Its not. Until you realize that YOU must grow and be happy SHOW them with the pocketbook.

“Systemlands” is the pillar of the game for past ten years of the WoW Developers, build apart tear down. So until that has changed and I doubt it will I will NOT be playing. Sub ends in 3 mo I will get my flying. I will return when things CHANGE not a moment too soon.

Correct, it is better in all regards… well, not all. PvP still sucks, but PvP always sucks.

I despise eastern fantasy style RPGs and stories.
I only enjoy western RPG, your DnDs, LOTR, Warhammer. things like that.