And this…
WoW used to have a pretty decent community. People helped out, toxic folks got blacklisted and didn’t raid or run dungeons because nobody would group with them. It’s not just WoW it’s just…people, shoving their heads into their personal blinders and thinking it’s fine to be just…horrible and nasty and nobody should care. If nobody did…you could live in the real world that way and it wouldn’t cost you, but reality is, you can’t. even if you don’t see it, a crap attitude and a mean nature makes you distance people often without even realizing it and you find you can’t get ahead, can’t do a lot of things and wonder why. It’s this sort of thing.
I play both games. WoW less now because of craptastic mean girls seeming to be growing in numbers by the day while there’s no new content, nothing worth logging in to do.
FF14 just released a quality of life patch today, players grinding a few different things were struggling at the immensity of the grind and many were quitting that moving to other things, some did voice they were unhappy with the enormity of the grind. Square Enix did not “Working as intended” they changed it, so the grind would take less time over all, and they even trimmed where it would make the process more fun over all. Took the time to find out how they could fix it best…and they fixed it.
Compare that to Pathfinder. To the Kul Tiran rep grind…and those aren’t even key items important to an upcoming expansion like what FF14 did.
Early gameplay is slow, and adapting to how the game flows, how animation works, takes a bit of time and patience, but end game is a blast, one character can be anything, all the jobs, all the classes. Imagine not having to roll alts because your primary character can become anything you want to try. No more grinding, repeating quests to level…you can be anything, as a level 1 you can fly if you’ve got that rolling on your character. If you put in a ticket? less than 24 hours someone responds and it isn’t a canned response, they’ve done emergency hotfixes after players have turned in glitches…didn’t tell their players to suck it up or just ignore them…
No PvP, don’t like the look of the combat, I don’t believe a rotation that requires too many skills is actually interesting and it’s some weeb stuff
The characters look so bad
I am actually playing it atm, the most jarring thing though atm is just the design of magic and the animations for a lot of spells/effects - they just look not quite right.
Like I’m a conjurer, and that means I commune with the elements of earth/water/air to mostly heal and do some magic stuff, but all of my healing spells look like just light spells and have green casting spell effects and it’s like “why am I casting light spells and where is this green coming from, shouldn’t these be earth or water spells”.
Other things are like teleports look like full blown shadow/void magic the main big bad uses, spells are overly flashy/dramatic for their simple effects, my ONLY water spell is a blind that half of enemies just resist anyway and my ONLY wind spell is a crappy DoT that I just spam on everything since its my only other damage spell.
Nothing. I made the mistake of purchasing game time instead of using the free trial but I’m already up to heavensward in a little over a week. I suspect I’ll be done with heavensward and purchasing Shadowbringers soon. I love the way they do questing much better than WoW. I feel engaged in the story and the quests aren’t meaningless chores.
Not really interested in any endgame content since WoW usually fulfills that, but I will enjoy all the casual content that WoW is bad at making these days. Already purchased Endwalker too
My friend has been trying to get me to leave WoW and come over to FXIV, but the truth is I just don’t want to start fresh in another theme park MMO. I put years into this game, and seeing a new MMO makes me think of how much years I’ll end up putting into that, at a point in my life where I’m starting to realize time is getting kind of precious. WoW is basically my last MMO, after this I’m likely to leave the genre and not look back and focus on my life and work.
I play both but I think WoW has the better auction house UI. I do wish that the WoW auction house had the history tab from the FF14 market board, it showed when the last time something sold and how much it sold for. Would be nice to have that without the need for an addon.
I’ve already played it. I like the game, but it’ll never take me away from WoW.
it was ok. i already got wow to ignore so why add another game?
plus i gotta be honest, i dont wanna do any group stuff and thats the only way you get a riding unlocked. tbh, if they’d give me a mount and let me continue to do nothing pertinent, i would be more likely to go back. (yes i know how one goes about getting riding, idc so don’t @ me)
Are you done crying? WoW players are also unhappy with how corporate activision has turned Blizzard. Game’s lost its soul. Doesn’t make FF and all that over hot weeb trash any less anime. Take your melodrama over there, you’ll fit right in.
Yeah, 1 exception, everything else still stands though. Most cutscenes are skippable though. Everything else is right where I said it was. Glad to clear the air up for what could be called barely a point.
I already have other mmo’s i’m playing.
What is so great and wonderful about FFXIV that I can’t get from other mmos? Is the game devs from FFXIV paying people to spam every forum they see about there game?
I tried it. It was terrible, imho.
I’m just not really into anime that much. Some people really like prepubescent races and the rainbow sparkle explogasm that is FF animations. Just not for me.
I don’t like the game at all, the combat pacing the way it looks… it’s simple not everyone has to like everything.
I’ve been playing FFXIV since HW and I’ve always go to and from the game. Unlike the “glory days” of WoW where I could stay subbed to wow for long stretches of time, I never really treated FF the same way.
It’s a great game. It’s got tons of content and so many different paths to progress your character in different ways that actually feels meaningful. I wound up enjoying Blue Mage campaign far more than I thought I ever would. Reading about it, I didnt understand why it was put in the game but it was better than what I would have thought. It’s weird, but you kinda start to see why it can’t co-exist with the other jobs, Once I get through the new content, I tend to stick around for a month or so and then I go play something else. Once new content comes out, I sub play for a bit and dip out and it just doesn’t feel bad at all.
I don’t keep doing the content over and over and over until I slowly begin to hate it, it stays fresh and there’s little negative feelings I have for it. This is kinda the exact opposite of how I play WoW, and I’d asume like how most of wow’s pb plays it.
WoW just isn’t want it used to be, so why continue to play it like we used to? I think I have to start playing wow the same way i do ff, cause we’re just so far removed from the golden era.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing but the way the game has evolved, you’ve got to be a masochist to stay subbed for long stretches of time.
As someone who mains that game, posts like OP make me cringe.
As others who play the game would say, here’s the meme they use in cases like yours OP. “GCBTW.”
I suspect you wont know what it means so here it is for you. Great Community By The Way. Basically it is used against anyone who is perceived as toxic or someone the community would rather distance themselves from.
normal people don’t talk like this lol
I was wondering why people keep saying loading screens. They aren’t anything more than a flash saying the zone you entered.
I love being able to hop servers in FF to check out AH prices when something is listed for more than I want to pay on my server.
I’ll never really play another mmo
Not out of some great loyalty to wow or anything I just don’t want to start over. If Wow was erased from the earth I’d just play a bunch of “short” investment games.