What's stopping you from playing FFXIV?

Why would I ever play that weeaboo garbage??

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Their models just look so perfect creepy with odd tails. No thanks.

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FF hasn’t been on my favorite list since FF6. I haven’t felt like the stories they make is any good after it.

Also the game hasn’t felt the same after they changed the fighting system after ffX

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i am playing it, wow is garbage. but it coast me nothing to be here LOL thanks whales who buy token in bulk

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Its not FFVII, how suppose to see my lovely girl Tifa Lockhart if she isn’t in this game?

I’m playing both

I bet you a Roegadynn

Miqote because Catbois FTW

Based on some of the gameplay I seen, you might have a shot of seeing her as a boss at some point

well anything better then lizards so that’s fine

I liked the character creation, but combat is ssssssslllllllllloooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

its not get high level you lazy butt

It is. But it did give me time between casts to get a snack from the kitchen.


no you’re a noob. That is only explanation.

You again. LOL you need to move out of mommy’s basement at some point.

No, the explanation is the combat is too slow.

Classic had 40min cutscenes? Damn I totally missed those.

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Mine ends in a few weeks. :open_mouth: I see people say stuff like that a lot on the forums or the good old, “If you don’t like something about WoW then just quit!” Honestly, what a terrible mentality. Usually if something is broken you try and fix it. You don’t just ditch at the first sign of trouble.

Having said that though. I am packing up my WoW sub for Shadowlands. Maybe return for the next expansion but I’ll hold out and hear if people think it’s good or not first, lol.

Happy gaming, Yesuna!

The people who come on here and rave about how great it is? When I tried it and disliked almost everything about it. But mostly because, whatever it is, it isn’t World of Warcraft.


In a word: Weebs.

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