This is the reason why we don’t have more Demon Hunter races yet.
Random human bozo: “Hey, Illidari! I want to join and learn to be a demon hunter!”
Cool demon hunter: “Hey, champ. Um, why? It’s a life of torment and sacrifice. An endless struggle against the literal demons burning away at you from the inside.”
RHB: “I want to help fight the burning legion though!”
CDH: “Oh, they’re already defeated. Sargeras is imprisoned by the titans and the world soul that fuels the eternal army has been killed.”
RHB: “Oh I see. Well never mind then. Have a nice day.”
Orcs and Draenei are already technically in the Illidari, as well as a host of other (mostly demonic) races.
Blizzard’s will.
Multi-dollar smol indie studio
There is hearthstone art of a Void Elf Demon Hunter, so that’s not true.
Battleworn Vanguard - Hearthstone Card Library - Hearthstone (
Hmm. I mean, I think it’s supposed to be about Elven Biology?
I’m not sure other races can eat some demon hearts and do the thing. But maybe.
- Hearthstone isn’t WoW and lore doesn’t carry over.
- That’s a Night Elf, not a Void Elf.
- Once again you don’t comprehend lore and want to use your own headcanon as fact.
A lot of our boss concepts for Hellfire Citadel began by imagining what would happen if we added fel energy to different parts of the Draenor ecology. What would a fel variant of one of the void revenants we saw a glimpse of in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds look like? Xhul’horac answers that question
The entire point of Xhul’horac was to show what happens when a Void entity tries to infuse itself with Fel. In the end, it destabilizes him and if he’s not defeated, he explodes, killing everyone.
Void elves (or ren’dorei , “children of the Void” in Thalassian)[1] are a race of Void-infused elves
You can’t be Void infused and take in that much Fel.
Not arguing with you further, because you make crap up and twist everything around to your own incorrect headcanon. Take it or leave it, but those are the facts from the game and lore.
It’s got head tentacles. >.> From its hair.
Nah I don’t. And you’re wrong. Again. I wouldn’t want to debate me either if I was you. You’ve had one good point and that was the blood elf timeline.
This is a misplay in the argument by you.
Dude exists and has green tendrils. Yeah, he does eventually explode. But that goes back to the whole twisting nether explosion thing. Like… things are dose dependent. Which I don’t think you’ve ever really grasped. Your example of a boss literally shows you can turn a void creature into a fel thing.
The only reason is Blizzard doesn’t want to spend more time developing racially appropriate Demon Hunter forms.
They won’t even design full-body armor for their new Dragonflight race. Hard to see their cost-cutting design philosophy creating a Dwarf or Orc Metamorphosis form.
That being said, Demon Hunters have been the most restrictive class in WoW’s history. Even when Druids were just Night Elves and Tauren, those were two different races. The fact that Demon Hunters can only be Night Elves or Blood Elves, really means they can just be two flavors of the same race: Elf.
And “art is expensive” is a sad excuse when they’re charging half the price of a AAA title for a mount with a pre-existing rig that maybe took a day worth of man-hours to make, if that. How much do you think they’re paying these artists?
I am fine with blood elves and night elves only. I think it makes the class unique.
art IS the most expensive when it comes to gaming. AAA title or not.
even dismissing the price, art takes TIME, a LOT of time.