Azeroth is not a Titan. The Titans claim she is a Titan because they don’t want the mortal races to know anything about the nature of the universe and the grand design of the First Ones.
Order is not unnatural, it’s the balance of chaos, but the pollution comes in from using these arcane wellsprings to influnce nature to lean more towards Order. The nature of Life itself is chaotic, so in a way it’s going against nature and distrupting the balance, this part of it is highly subjective as the beings who say this want unchecked chaos to dominate this world.
Long have I scoffed at what I learned of titans, or the void lords, or demons of the Nether. I held Death’s pantheon in higher regard, but now I know that they are just as limited. Truth lies not in one direction or another, but in their intersection.
The First Ones had parceled out their gifts, but gave no child all of them. No wonder these offspring bickered with such incessant jealousy. Their very nature was one of denial." - Firim in Exile Part 6
What I love about this passage is firim is sharing knowledge beyond our grasp but also shedding doubt on the Grimoire of the Shadowlands as it’s still incomplete knowledge, especially the part about the Titans. He said that the Titans merely stumbled on this knowledge and took credit for it and that’s true, Odyn says as much here,
First: All historical records documenting the advancements of the Black Empire are to be purged. Paint that age as one of chaos and misery, a pernicious blight that we keepers eradicated. With the Old Gods locked in confinement, there should be no evidence available to contradict our assertions. Surely if you care for these mortals you would not wish to see them lead astray into darkness.
Second: Attibute all accomplishments and works of wonder to the Titans alone. Despite the relentless arguments made by some of you, this is not a fallacy. After all, can anything truely be said to exist until it has been ordered? of course not. Therefore, it is irrefutable that the titans are the source of all creation.
Third: Do not share knowledge of the First Ones. Mortals could not concieve of the wonders that the makers granted to the Titans of Zereth Ordus. Thus, learning of the Progenitors would only confuse them. It is enough that mortals know the titans brought Order to the cosmos, and that they are owed deference.
Remember: Life is chaos it must be controlled.
-Edicts of the Prime Designate: Volume 742
At their very core the cosmic forces are emminations of the Automa. It seems like these were the “gifts” that the First Ones bestowed on each Pantheon, the gifts were Purpose. Each pantheon has a purpose that aligns with the “jobs” of the Automa. The Titans bestowed thier gifts, just like the First Ones did, onto the Aspects.
These are the Fractals. They call them “fractals” like spirals branching out from a single source but it’s more theologically accurate to call them “emanations” in it’s archaic sense as “a being or force that is a manifestation of God.”
World of Warcraft is Gnostic.