What's more TOXIC gameplay?

So, there are a lot of suspensions going around for making the game “Unenjoyable for fellow players.”

Lets please have a discussion with Blizzard regarding their suspensions for abusive chat.

[Scenario 1]
You’re in a battleground with someone calling someone a dummy (or worst) because that person keeps ignoring the objective of the battleground and only wants to button-smash.

(Scenario 2)
You run current content weekly only to be losing your BIS Agility Gear to a Paladin who swears agility is their best statistic.
Losing your BIS Spirit Gear to a Warlock who needs it for their Fel Armor buff.

What I am trying to say is, if Blizzard is going to ban people for toxic gameplay, please ban the people hitting need on loot because their ignorance is also toxic gameplay.

Well I guess it depends on what “or worst” entails lmao


have you seen what blizzard wants to do with players in OW2?

With regards abusive chat/behavior, it’s my understanding that, according to the TOS or SC or whatever it’s called now, what’s considered actionable is up to the players and they can report anyone for anything. I started in WotLK and it’s been that way for as long as I’ve played the game including using the report mechanism to grief people. So, to my mind, your scenarios are meaningless.

As for ‘need’, I’ve heard people say you don’t need to ask if it’s okay. If you need it, need it, which suggests that ninja looters are now acceptable. When I started using the dungeon finder in WotLK, people in pugs talked about what dropped and who might best benefit from getting it. The current playerbase is a far cry from that kind of attitude. It is what it is and Blizz isn’t going to change anything because everyone has a different idea of how things should be.




Love to see Vrakthris runnin that truth train.

Instead of blaming others or engaging in whataboutism, OP, exercise some self control and step back from the game for a bit to settle your emotions.

As Vrakthris advised you: “I’d recommend that you stop with the rampage through various threads with false and misleading statements.”


Toxic gameplay is pvp guards not reseseting when I vanish. WTF blizz ruining my RP.

I am afraid you forgot games are all about wants, not needs.
I came to understand that all the social “issues” people complain stem from their own intolerance to others in game, where nothing really matters.

how about the ppl who cuss me out for simply just questing in the area its happened more then once or esp when i dont inv them to my group or when they spam whisper me for inv or they spam inv me when im just trying to quest. Like i just wanan kill the mob quest and move on . like im jsut trying to enjoy the game . in retail i never get cussed out this much or told to step on leggos so much as i am in classic :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

100% of the time someone is wasting time in BG chat flaming others they aren’t doing it to be constructive or helpful to bad players, they are doing it because they themselves are likely bad and keep dying because they keep pushing into fights without support. These players are essentially AFK because instead of helping with objectives they are distracting the rest of the team by being an insufferable idiot.

It is only a good thing that these players are temporarily banned/silenced. Would be better if it was a perma. I want players that don’t throw temper tantrums and know how to play a team-oriented game.

Make friends and stop grouping with strangers and you won’t have to worry about people rolling on gear they shouldn’t.

It does not matter what you think is more toxic than the other. Vrakthris called you out on your rampage and you’re still upset? Because you cannot control your own actions?