What's happening with tw?

did blizzard increased the difficulty level? I mean, everyone is taking so much dmg. I remember doing cata tw on it’s last rotation and it wasn’t this hard


In my experience with several alts running through 4-5 each, I think it’s called mechanics. I didn’t think they were any harder at all. Different than all the other TW in rotation? Sure. Hitting harder, I don’t think so.


not sure it’s that. I mean, when you get a whole group that don’t know the mechanics, it can become a nightmare. but I’ve played with all tanking classes and healing classes. It felt like tanks are taking a lot more damage and I did had a harder time healing than usual. Btw, I know all the mechanics, and even on groups that do it right, it feels harder /shrug`

ps: it’s harder to heal / tank now than it was back in original cata

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Cata has a decent amount of bosses that can kill you for doing mechs wrong tbh its always been like this as far as i can recall.

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I apparently need to do tw lol. I haven’t done my weekly yet, but last rotation they were falling over.
People would still get deleted by mechanics (don’t stand in bad), but they definitely weren’t hard.

It’s never more difficult, it’s just that after the sleepwalking from Classic, TBC, and Wrath TW, players actually have a mechanic or two on Cata TW to deal with and they aren’t used to it, so they start dying and “OMG TW is overtuned!” posts start popping up.

it’s not the bosses tho… pulling trash groups, depending on the dgs, can be a nightmare lol. I just ran end time with a group that omg, it was horrible lol. granted the dps was ultra low, but it was way harder (just imho) than it was the last time cata was tw. but oh well, might just be my perception


Nah ive never had an issue with trash in that dungeon.

What’s great is that dungeons were mechanic heavy when Cata was current, but light on mechanics by today’s standards. Idk how ppl have issues in timewalking dungeons.

Because a lot of mechs in cata are simply not intuitive and you kinda need to be told or die to to them before you understand them.


DPS in dungeon finder is almost always godawful, barely able to keep up with the healer’s damage. Ungeared, unprepared, and just all around terrible. IDK if they’re trying to follow Hekili giving wrong recommendations but they clearly don’t know what their abilities do either. Lowest common denominator strikes again, DPS doesn’t demand any competence, so all the incompetents flock to it.

I stopped doing Cata TW yonks ago because I was tired of having to explain mechanics to deaf ears. For a while I’d abandon group if it was BRC but it’s simpler to not run any of them ever.

It does feel like the scaling is off to me. I played the same 610+ mage through a few weeks of TW and the mobs died quicker and dealt less damage in WOTLK & TBC.

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I watched a healer die 5 times in Stonecore. A Holy Priest healer. Even if they were a new healer or not very good etc, I don’t see Priests dying that often in TW generally. This version definately has spots in certain isntances that can be cruel.

It’s because you actually have to do mechanics and interrupt in Cata TW dungeons.

They did mess with levels…Timewalking used to scale us down to the content’s level but now it’s scaled to us which results in mobs being harder than they should be and the like. Long story short…Blizzard screwed up and ruined TW and refuse to fix what they broke

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Shouldn’t really come as a surprise when ppl are okay with twinks doing the heavy lifting and plowing through TW dungeons.

Now some of those people carry that behavior into a group where one isn’t present and you end up with players not knowing how to press buttons.

Dont you wish you had that 11 war twink now ?

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BC I could readily pull boss-to-boss (assuming everyone was happy with that).

Cata is more mechs heavy so a couple more stops and maybe 1 more brain cell (of my 4) to consider taking the right path to ‘break yourself upon my body’ man.

I think the Cata TW dungeons are harder than the other TW dungeons. It truly is the mechanics. And I see tanks gathering way too much for the DPS to get down, or an impatient DPS going ahead of the tank to aggro more, and then we wipe.

A challenge to be sure!