they are, and it’s quite stupid. they all need to be on par with each other. whether that means make the others up to cata’s level or make cata easier, idc, but this wild swing in difficulty just causes issues.
I’m leveling a healer for the first time since Vanilla, so it’s been interesting.
The DoTs from mobs are just INSANE and are killing people with 2-3 ticks, which sucks when you’re too low level to have a cleanse.
That’s just cata being cata. They have been poorly tuned since SL to my recollection. I’d most hoped that the rework would fix them, but, eh
Are you talking about Dungeon or Raid?
TW Dungeons aren’t harder than Heroic.
scaling is very, very bad
Dungeons for sure.
I just tanked Raggy yesterday morning and he was easy. The raid wasn’t too bad.
Cata dungeons have avoidable damage that is higher relatively, and scaling issues on unavoidable. I’d not call it hard, but definitely harder than tww heroic.
This is like DPS everywhere. Doesn’t matter what game you play or what. I guess having all the incompetent people around though makes the good players stand out and feel welcome.
Maybe it’s because wow allows for so much skill expression in its design that you can have two people playing the same spec and one is doing 5x the damage of the other
OMG! What did I just watch???
Honestly, relying on rotation helpers like Hekili isn’t optimal, but for the vast majority of content, it’s enough to get the job done. Someone playing decently and actively following a rotation helper that isn’t wildly out of date will perform decently. Will they be bad at adapting to unexpected situations? Probably. Will they be a top parser? Probably not. Will their DPS be notably bad? Nah.
Our 2nd DPS in Raid this season was someone following a rotation helper.
(not saying the raid was stacked with high-skill players, just that the addon obviously wasn’t detrimental in terms of raw DPS)
The issue is more that a lot of the types of people who are going to be using rotation helpers are also the types of people who just aren’t that great at the game in the first place.
There’s a lot of things a bad player can do wrong that will greatly impact their performance that aren’t strictly hitting buttons in the wrong order.
I personally think it’s bizarre that anyone would assume that players who have never set foot in those dungeons before should have them memorized as well as players who did them routinely when they were current content. A lot of today’s players did not play Cata. There is no way to learn them as relevant content now without entering your dungeon and trying to figure it out as they go, which clearly you don’t want them to be able to do.
You are seriously delusional if you think that putting a level 80 into level 35 dungeons, running past all the trash, and one shotting all the bosses is going to teach them anything but the floor plan.
I totally agree with everything you just said. I “know” the dungeons from BFA onwards. The others I only know from TW or having randomly done them here or there to help a buddy out getting an acheevie or something. It has been the hard way or the highway to learn these dungeons.
The dungeon journal explaining the boss fights?
Lots of them have common sense apply.
When a dude says “break yourselves upon my body!” and has a white circle around him…its screams move out of the circle.
Thrones boss 2, when is standing in a circle placed by the boss ever a good thing?
Grim batol last boss…kill adds is even basic raid 101. adds come, kill adds. adds are part of a mechanic is wow SOP really.
I hit cata redo never seeing if the first time. BUt I applied the above rules.
Deep core is just the head ringer for the mass pullers. see all the mobs and go slow down. fun fact…tank taunts done right pull the bigger mobs out to not have it go crap show so fast. kill the big boy, then pull the pack to drop them.
it was probably adjusted to accommodate the level 11 fury warriors who seem to be tanking these days in time walking dungeons.
No. People just don’t know how to do Cata mechanics. So they’re going to take a boatload of damage just like we always did in Cata Heroics.
In speed dungeons it will be awful yes. Hekili will tell you to apply dots to things that aren’t going to survive long enough for a single tick.
It’s why anyone claiming that they want to learn their class in leveling dungeons falls flat. There is nothing to learn. Hit whatever is bursty and move on without looting. Questing is immensely better for learning a new class than dungeons.
Problem is, people don’t want to figure it out as they go either. I know all the fights inside and out. People generally aren’t interested in reading the shortest of explanations. I can usually talk people through Alysrazor because enough people will listen to be able to get through it and the ones who don’t listen will kill only themselves… but Rhyolith? Forget it. All you need is 4-5 people not listening and they’ll kill the whole raid by DPSing the wrong leg and sending the boss into the lava.
Honestly, I just think Firelands is too mechanics heavy to put up for a single week of timewalking. You don’t LEARN a raid in a single run of it, which is all you get in a week. (Assuming no alts.)
youre getting in?
my queues been broken past 3 times ive tried…says 5mins every time, 15mins, nothing. i requeue and then it says average 10+…wtf?
Just get a lvl 10-12 toon tanking for you and all you have to do is follow along behind them. I’ve seen lvl 10’s do 8 mil dps. Yeah… the scaling is wonky.