Feel like their damage, escape tools, and CC are wild. What’s good at dealing with them?
Prot War
You zerker the sap, Demo shout to knock them out of stealth. Then pop Avatar nuke them down. You got storm bolt stun. If they try to dead zone you shockwave stun. Shield charge stun. Also Tclap roots them.
Prot good vs everything though real fun time. You have cheat death and plenty of defensives. So if chain CCed by multiple players you can’t die through Battlescarred veteran. (aka cheat death)
You have dragon charge for knocks off ledges for War crate. It’s all around great class and also has some great burst potential Sudden death execute/shield charge, then Aoe of mountain thane.
Also next week getting buffed.
A decently equipped feral druid kills rogues
I’m really tired of rogues not having updated/nerfed kits in modern PvP, with almost all their defensives/fight resets on 2m cds.
Absolutely miserable to fight on Ret where Disarm/Cloak/Dodge they chain for 18 seconds of almost completely mitigating damage. Only WoA useable when cloak is down. And am near death or have to blow 2 5m cd’s just to 1v1 if they’re stupid not to just wait in stealth to fullheal.
Some skills like Cyclone are contextually more powerful than the past.
Prot Warr I played in RBG’s to 1v1 rogues cause Ravager counters smoke bomb and you can contest 2 rogues or rogue+druid on you.
But I can’t stand the slow pacing of combat already and tanks make it slower. DPS now have more tankiness/sustain than tanks last xpac and…
All I remember are 45 minute duels from WOTLK.
I hate rogues. And always played by tryhards using consumables.
I mean that is WPvP though. You are gonna have players using Toys, Consumes, Buffs, pretty much everything at their disposal. Not to mention they added some crazy WPvP consumes, some zone specific. Then the one that prevents death and instead gives you a shield. (at least it’s hard to get)
Rogues making me feel like quitting wpvp or casual BG’s.
They’re always played by the most obsessive people abusing those 2m cd’s to constantly gank or grief.
Literally unkillable if they choose not to be, and cloak+dodge+disarm makes them immune to dk/ret/enh for 18 seconds.
It’s so stupid they’re the one spec that punishes doubly elemental melee damage. And they’ve made them utterly brainless with how easy combo points and energy is to generate now and bursty cd’s.
Only time they’re tolerable is they can be really bad in blitz and let themselves get double cc’ed and a point taken under their nose.
Can you post your spec? Would love to try it out in open world.
Prot has a lot of things going for it. I’ve never lost too a Rogue/Feral this expansion and I don’t think any have even got me too 50% HP. You really shouldn’t lose to anyone in WPvP.
Only classes that are real trouble 1v1 is something like a mage. However being that you can get victory rushes off and use the terrain to your benefit. You can win. I actually rather fight a mage and someone else at the same time so I can generate rage and heal.
At war crates you can 1v5 and sustain for awhile. The build I linked is my WPvP build. When situations are bad you got dragon charge for knocks on cliffs or to dragon charge into a glyder. They just have so many tools built for WPvP.
Not to mention you can solo all open world content and enjoy questing and the game while farming some gold.
Prot actually has some burst too. I hit a Druid earlier for 1.8 million Shield charge. Executes hit harder for Prot than Arms/Fury and usually over 1 million. Combine that with their Aoe and lightning blast dmg. Rooting everyone, it’s a nightmare in WPvP.
I’m very geared though FYI. I got 7 epics, 8 gems I crafted up 2 Elemmental focusing lens embellishments. So I got an extra big proc for damage. In BGs I have 14.4 mil HP. Unbuff open world at 12.4 mil.
If you questions about talents or anything I’m happy to help.
Thanks Abomb! I’ll check it out. You recommend Jewelcrafting? Haven’t decided on professions, so I went dual gathering for gold.
Any time.
I’m mining/jc from the old days when they were BiS in Wrath/Cata. I’ve been playing Prot PvP since the beginning. I enjoy having a gathering profession and that gets you into some fun WPvP too.
It’s fine being double gathering. Up to you really.
Another rogue or something with steath also.
We’re actually incapable of attacking you if you stop moving and show us your back. Try it out!
In all seriousness you have to accept a few things about Rogues. We’ll get our opener on you 99% of the time. It’s part of world PvP - always has been. You can’t really change that, so you need to be prepared for us to hit you at the worst time possible (for you).
Knowing what a Rogue can’t do is really important. If I have already used CoS, I can’t realistically vanish with dots on me. If you’re covered in dots I can’t blind/gouge you. If you’ve been hit by KS I can’t do it again for another 30 seconds. You need to force us to use defensives so we can’t escape if the fight doesn’t go our way. A Rogue without CoS/vanish/evasion is a Rogue who’s in a bad spot.
We’re annoying as hell in world PvP. It’s just a fact. I will watch players for a minute or two to gauge their overall skill level. I watch them fight mobs, wait for them to burn big CDs, then hit them with everything I have. If I jump you and I start to lose, I will run - and unless you really managed to pressure me I will get away, every time. It’s just how it do.
I wouldn’t consider that a counter though and they get the free opener on you. Because you are not going to be in stealth while questing, gathering, fighting an Elite etc.
You want a Class that can just be immune to openers and their attacks. Like Prot War.
I don’t know about immune but I know I usually don’t mess with any tanks because their sustain and mitigation is crazy in world PvP lol
Yea it is for sure. The open world is my playground.
Well Prot has a cheat death mechanic that is extremely strong in TWW because of Health pools and the return of MoP second wind. As you know second wind heals now once below 35% HP.
However if you trigger Battlescarred veteran (my cheat death) at 30% I take 80% less damage for 8 secs. Also ANY healing sources is increased by 100%. So Second wind which is passive is 100% stronger. Any potions is 100% better. My last stand which is a 30% HP heals is now 60% and basically Lay on hands.
So if you do manage to get a perfect opener, the stars align and trigger Battle scarred veteran. I will just heal to full HP in the next few seconds.
Prot War is just an extremely hard counter for Rogue right now. Doesn’t matter if you got me full CCed at low HP. You aren’t killing me through my cheat death and passive CDs.
On a side note I’m aware of this and save CDs for this. Funny enough I sometimes get Avatar procs and it baits people to attack. Then I really pop Avatar and it’s all over.
Well that’s just not fair, clearly!
Jokes aside, that’s useful information to have! I don’t bother fighting tanks 1v1 because, as you said, they have lots of self-healing. Wounding and the Shiv healing debuff would definitely make a difference but there wouldn’t really be any way for me to realistically turn that off.
All of my openers are perfect, thank you!
Yea I’d say 99% of people have no idea how it works. I’ve even seen Prot Wars not taking the talent and I’m like you do realize it’s a free get out of jail card right?
I’ve been in Epic BGs and WPvP and will have 5+ players perfectly timing CC and poping all CDs when I’m low but I don’t die. I will come out of that CC at some point because of DR. Then I will heal to Full.
Then I see them talking to themselves like what the heck happened and now they can’t kill me because they blew all their CDs into my cheat death.
I’ll give you another pointer once trigger my cheat death I get a debuff like forbearance for a Pally. It lets you know how long I have till my Cheat death is back up again or if it’s been triggered.
Well that’s why I said immune cause it really won’t matter.
Which I think is perfect balance. Some people say that isn’t fair but Stealth have a choice in their prey. Don’t pick on a Rhino solo better bring friends if you want to take it down and some of them will be lost in the hunt.
Some Tanks though aren’t very good vs Rogues and it’s cause they don’t have the CC protection or flat mitigation that Prot War has.
Yep, that’s about the long and short of it.
Much appreciated. Already from leveling my 73 warrior has survived several rogue attacks.
Just open world as a healer (Disc) and make it take so long to hurt you that the rogue gives up on WoW and finds a new hobby, duh. Why kill their character when you can kill their spirit?