What's good at killing Rogues in WPVP?

I like how the game went from having no stuns to, first stun them, then use your second stun. When that stun wears out, you hit em with that 3rd stun

To be fair since the beginning Prot War has always had the most stuns along side Rogue.

We used to have Concussion blow, Shockwave and then Revenge stun (which was on a totally separate stun DR) Also charge stun was separate too and had no DR.

I do agree there is way too much CC mainly roots/snares though. I think PvP would be better with less CC. However some Classes have always had a lot and Prot War is one of them. They are supposed to control the enemy with Stuns, Roots and Fear.

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Nice it only gets better with Gear as your HP and damage goes way up. Unbuffed in WPvP I have 12.6 mil HP when in PvP combat.

which begining are you talking about because they had 1, ten minute cooldown stun in the begining

Completely false I’ve played Prot for almost 2 decades in PvP.

In Vanilla they had Intercept stun, Charge stun, Concussion blow and Revenge stun (separate stun DR) over the years this changed to different variations.

Eventaully they got Shockwave but then lost the separate Revenge stun (changes to a big dps ability in WotLK) Charge stun was then moved off DR table. So you could stun to DR then still charge stun.

Prot with 3 stuns now is less than the past versions of Prot that had stuns off the DR table. It was more obnoxious. I could Revenge stun for 3 seconds into a 5 second Concussion blow. Since they didn’t DR with each other.

You can also argue that the CC is what makes WoW what it is, and taking it away just turns the game in to a dps race to zero.

Knowing when to pop your trinket, or wait to do things until a certain stun is used, is a big part of the combat.

So there’s that too.

If anything maybe reduce the cooldown of trinket? So youd want to stack your CC in that sweet spot right after they first pop it. But that might be dumb.

They could up Diminishing Returns too a bit more.

nah you’re talking about like patch 4+
Charge used to take the warrior right on past what they meant to charge or stop them halfway and did not stun at all

Too much CC removes the PvP and lowers the skill cap. If you mess up a CC but you can just spam more to make up for your mistake. Then CC lowered the skill.

You got 1 trinket and there are 20 CC’s. It’s not a good countermeasure when there is too much CC. There are also too many obnoxious slows nothing should slow you below 50% in PvP.

You are trying to argue semantics. Prot always had multiple stuns and had more stuns in the past compared too now. You could literally stun lock someone on Prot in the old days due to separate DRs and why it was removed.

no i’m not arguing semantics. The beginning isn’t the 1.12 patch in my eyes.

okay buddy :roll_eyes:


When I asked which beginning you’re talking to you could have just said, oh 21 months after release and it would have been fine.

Can confirm, Prot Warr unkillable 1v1. Want to annoy all the players of the opposite faction? Just play Prot Warr in WPVP. Bonus points for every lowbie you’re able to gank for a free heal.

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What CC is spammable? lol

Again, what? If you’re fighting multiple people and they all target you and stun you, of course… But I don’t know any 1 v 1 scenario where they can just spam 20 ccs on you…

Slows are necessary, being ranged is already hard enough with all the gap closers Melee have now.



Also Poly

There is so much CC people forget what is spammable I guess. Time to prune and put these on 25 sec CDs.

Night Elf Druid.
If the rogue opens on you, you can shadowmeld and fly away, heal up, and come back and watch in stealth for them to open up on someone else.
While there are ways to remove bleeds, most rogues won’t use them and so your bleeds will keep them from being able to cloak of shadows and vanish.

You have track humanoids so even if they sprint away you’ll be able to see where they went and follow in flight form, though I’d say they still have a good chance of getting away from you.

However that doesn’t mean a good rogue won’t blow all their cooldowns and turn the battle on you even if you open on them. Evasion sucks as a feral because all you can do is sit in bear form and wait it out as there’s no way you’ll be able to keep distance from a rogue during evasion between their shadowsteps, shadow strikes, vanish/sprint, blind, etc.

I can kill them one on one.
Can’t speak to frost or unholy, though.

dude, the game is at the 20 year mark. something being introduced in the first year or two IS THE BEGINNING. you are arguing just to argue. Realize this and move on

no that’s literally more than one tenth of the way to the present. Thats more than inch across a ruler, especially if we’re considering the closed and open betas its more like 2 almost 3 inches

Very pedantic.