What's going on with retail WoW PVP development recently?

Yep retail PvP has been in the trashcan for months now, no bug fixes, no meaningful balancing, nothing.

They even implemented a new bug when the plunderstorm patch went in that bugged unit frames over 41 yards from being displayed and still zero acknowledgement or fix for it even though bug reports and discussions on the forums have been made.

Here is to hoping they will soon release season 4 PTR patch notes with some fundamental changes that will improve the state of PVP - wishful thinking I know


“First time?” Meme

Dragonflight is over. The story is over. There is no new expansion content coming.
No new dungeon. No new raid. No new zone. Recycled tier set.
New expansion dropping in 4-6 months. I would consider that an upcoming meaningful change.

Look forward to new vendors with higher item levels. One or two tuning updates most likely adjusting gladiator’s distinction to compensate for the higher item level. Other changes may revolve around inserting tier sets from previous seasons prior to any changes that came after.