What's going on with Arena

So I’m not that great at arena. 1800 avg in wotlk. Pretty casual. But why does 1600-1700 rating now feel like im fighting 1900 rating in wotlk. I wanted to actually try for 2.2k this expac. But man. Thats never even possible now. Maybe give us a 265 wep to shoot for at 1800-1850 rating. Though I have heroic wep, but still i mean dang, be cool to have a 265 wep for a res set. Why even play at this point.???


wtf are you talking about


It was never going to be possible if you give up whenever you hit some setbacks.

Chin up bro… you got this!



Think I’m done too. Try so hard and can’t even get out of 1500 what a joke. Maybe retail arena is better, least I’ll be able to queue whenever I want.


season is very deflated
not a season to go for numbers but for ladder position


Most if not all of the casuals/people going for PvE gear are long gone. That leaves an ever shrinking population of arena enthusiast and the die hard arena players that have probably a decade plus of experience on average.

The casuals/PvE gear chasers are never coming back. The middling parts of the ladder are being beat out of the game which only perpetuates the problem as the player pool remaining only gets more and more competitive with higher standards for finding teammates.

Still waiting on that blue post about how you’re going to catch people up to those that exploited conquest cap btw Aggrend.


100% this. The raw number shouldn’t even matter. Only thing it does is give you a reward at 2200. And if you’re only PvP’ing for an item reward, then - no offense - you’re not who we want in PvP.

So if you’re not that, just focus on enjoying the games, and trying to get better.

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Everyone is already caught up to people who exploited early on in the season. If a player exploited early on in the season and were able to obtain weapons then the 2nd week of the season they did not get a conquest cap while everyone else did and were able to get weapons.

Conquest is also capped this week at 24k available which is a full set of conquest gear.

I’ve taken an Rsham and an Rdruid from fresh 85 in the 308 dungeon blues and just q arena and get a full set of gear in maybe 5-8 hours depending on some factors like win rate/mmr.


Because there’s more good players playing cata and not the same 4 gooses you kept versing in wotlk.

People are playing cata for pvp

Are you doing 2s or 3s? Try comparing your rank (not rating) to last seasons rank and you’re probably higher. It’s just deflated because they reset the MMR and didn’t put in the artificial inflation.

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Get over yourself… People who attempt to speak for an entire portion of the community are not who we want in the game.


Not true at all


If you feeling sad, if you are not WARLOCK player, pls go play WARTRASHER, then you will feeling how cruel the world at that time.

I was one of R13 player, so i think i am still good at play warlock. BUT look now almost EVERY classes have 10000 X CC skills, except worlock only have poor 3 CC. One is come from the poor pet, the fear need you stand there like a fool reading the book more then 1.3-1.4S, the death coil have 2MINS CD and only poor 3sec CC. Your enemies have 10000X CC skills waiting for kick your lovely butt.

I have more then 3600+ resilience, one day I dueled with a fire mage, after 15sec i had to said GG, and his pvp gears is not good then me, at that fight i only used 3 skills, one is pet CC,one is curse of tongues and the last one is death coil. but he just use 15sec makes me leave PVP forever,after pet CC I found i dont have any every good CC to show, but other classes? They have a lot,SUPER A LOT, SUPER STRONGER CC SUPER SHORTER CD TIME CC. Fire mage is not every popular choose in PVP, when i face to DK ROGUE Druid, i start feeling fear, I am afradi their target is me. I dont think i have any chance to beat them. Any!!! By the way I said this crap is not require anyone buff warlock, just let warlocks can drive the sky mount in any PVP area include arena.

Drakedog is phantom, the wartrash is the real.



yes I totally agree

(anyone else know what he’s on about?)

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lol I got a good chuckle out of this whole post. Bravo.

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only you can answer that question.

if you can’t, don’t.

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I would support this.

Funny thing is this pile of dung is constantly crying about how the community is toxic because he constantly gets kicked out of heroics on his pally.

Crazy how it’s always the toxic ones calling other people toxic. I had an idea as to why he constantly gets kicked, and all of his posts confirm that I am more than likely correct.


It feels like the artificial inflation they added to wrath did not continue over to cata, leaving us with a very deflated ladder. Hoping they add the inflation back especially due to how short these seasons are planned to be!