Whats going on in the shadowlands hunter thread?

Mystical arrow of ticking magic damage?

I didn’t want to delve into that since I didn’t really read most of those 1800 replies of feedback either, so I didn’t want to make too many claims. I’m more aware of bug reports and covenant-related issues than the rest. Your take on it should be a lot more accurate than mine, so I agree with you completely.

I honestly don’t think Blizzard ever intends to listen to feedback in terms of suggestions to make new changes. Blizzard only really cares about the reception to the new systems they already decided on. Maybe also fixing things that are totally broken, or severe backlash.

To be honest the way the last 3 betas have gone and people that have not been in them going we don’t care what the people that have been there have been saying , they don’t represent us because it is only the 1% min/max streamers that get in there.

Which I know is not true because I have gotten in to the last 3 at different points and I have never been a high end player.

Ok back to my point.

Seeing how a lot of things are being ignored like the need for pets to be buffed because the increased rez time , maybe it’s time we just start telling Blizz what they want to hear and let them put the stuff out in their completely broken state and watch the backlash happen.

Maybe if the masses get to see first hand what we have been seeing unfiltered maybe they will see all we have tried to do is make the game better for all.