Whats going on in the shadowlands hunter thread?

i always check to see if theres any solid feedback and boi was I wrong.

people are actually suggesting moving survival to the one race DH’s to get back ranged survival. this is without a doubt the dumbest thing I’ve seen in the beta forums.

give the one spec that closest to shadowhunters to a one race leather wearer.

no wonder blizz doesn’t take feedback serious its a mess


Sidetracked followed by “squirrel “ syndrome. One was called out and then the player fired back. It seems the squirrel has mesmerized the players there.

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To be honest MSurvive has been lambasted since it’s inception because it was made by pretty much getting rid of a very popular spec RSurv.

I’m not a big fan of what happened but would be willing for it to come back as a 4th spec. As for other things like the pet rez issue to be honest it looks like Blizz will probably ignore that and other issues with release only a few weeks away .

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There’s a lot of really good feedback in that thread, particularly from Moofzy and Xaedys. But most of it was from months ago and there’s been a lot of development since then. There’s no reason to repeat bug reports that got fixed you know.

There’s 1800 replies on that thread. It sounds like you read only a dozen or so. Some random people derailing the conversation is not representative. You can even see a lot of replies complaining about the people who started spouting random stuff that isn’t even about Shadowlands.

I stopped posting over there a while back after characters got reset and I stopped playing Beta. Can’t really do much testing if I’m not playing Beta.

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I mean, most of our feedback hasn’t been addressed. Some, though not all, of Moofzy’s bug reports have been, but the feedback hasn’t been addressed basically at all. It’s more than I, and probably Adreaver and Moofzy and Danski and so many others, have simply given up on seeing useful and needed changes done. Blizzard clearly doesn’t actually care about hunters right now. They’re too busy lavishing attention on their favorite child shadow priests.


I would not mind that if I gained dual wield warglaives playstyle + ability to tame demons, have current sv core dps rotation and the utility of DH. Honesty would probably perform better than current sv.

Also dh gear looks cool as heck. (Swap out the demon form for visible wings only for dps cd though)

And it would give SV that “unique raid utility” they’re all pining after. I mean, Havoc isn’t exactly doing incredible right now, so that would give somewhere for the MSV playstyle to shine without it taking up one of the slots that should be a ranged DPS spec for hunters.

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To the moderator who edited my post.
Sorry and thanks :wink:

I could physically taste the salt filling my mouth to the brim at just the idea of how warlocks would react towards demohunters being able to tame demons.

I’ll get the margarita glasses.


Ok guys listen my dream has always been a glaive welding darkspear (for dat sweet shadow hunters rp) however I haven’t seen one idea of letting other races to be dhs. So unless u can include other races in this idea I don’t want my favorite hunter spec to move to a single race class

I mean, Blizzard hasn’t proposed or acknowledged such a thing. Other races is right up there with a third spec and First Blood baseline in terms of “most requested” stuff on the DH forums themselves, though.

Speaking of squirrels we need a squirrel mob pet. Say ten squirrels critters that equal one beast.


Gotchu fam

Just a small note

Shadow Hunters, in the RPG are Shamans of sorts. They aren’t actual Hunters(as presented in WoW).

Shadow Hunters rely on voodoo magic, they can cast heals(such as Chain Heal), they can Hex enemies as well as summon certain Wards(totem like figures).

Having said that, if you’re only after the appearance/aesthetic side of it, fair enough ofc.

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Speaking of archetypes without representation, the Dark Ranger concept that ranged SV used to at least somewhat embody is now effectively completely absent.


In reference to the ability Black Arrow for RSV, the signature design of it from WC3(and that of actual Dark Rangers) was never/has never been present in WoW.
Not even the Legion version of it accurately reflected the Dark Ranger theme, despite how it summoned an undead boar to tank for you.

In WoW, it has always had a more generally approachable design, more fitting of a Hunter class, as opposed to Dark Rangers.

Besides, Dark Rangers are not Hunters. Not even close.

I mean, they kinda are, though. They fit into the same archetypal mold. They’re at least as much a “hunter” as the melee-berserker-with-pets Rexxar that MSV is based on.

In any case, I was referring more to theme than actual implementation. 1:1 from WC3 isn’t practical, but including archetypes and themes very much is. For the same reason a thematic and aesthetic representation of a Shadow Hunter could be reasonable, so is a Dark Ranger.

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There a solid mix of hunter shaman rogue and shadow priest. In the rpg u know they had hex and chain heal but they also got shadow word pain of sorts.

It’s weird how much they have changed. In the actual game I see shadow hunters being mage like, some in zul gurub have two pets as well, the stalkers walking around daza alor where originally named shadowhunters as well.

Of course a easy solution would just be let other classes use glaives (if enhancement shaman could that would be the closest) but alas enhancement isn’t in a good spot rn and using axes and maces doesn’t fit the dagger warglaives theme at all. Always killed the vibe for me

Yeah I have nuts as well.

Just really want to look like the old deranged hermit magic card.

Sinister squash hunter pets would be nice to. An army of angry pumpkins with two pets a minipet and wearing a hollowed helm.