I just transferred this alt to Moon Guard today as I want to try some RP. Apparently the GS inn is a special place as there’re full people standing there all day.
What is going on? I stand there for a long time and didn’t figure out. I asked in the in-game chat and the answer is that characters there are doing unspeakable behavior for gold. Is this a troll?
You must be new. GS is a place where people ERP (Erotic Role Play) on their Alliance alts (and Horde alts) or free trial accounts and its not always for gold.
GS as it is has become a necessary evil and most of the RPs in GS keep themselves contained in that area and rarely will you ever find them in Stromwind.
Overall, Goldshire isn’t hurting anyone with what goes down there.
We’re trading Pokémon cards
Insert Squirtle joke here.
If you’ve got a roleplay addon installed, then it should already be obvious what GS is about.
If not, well… we’re all just Alliance heroes gathering around in the local tavern, celebrating the end of all major hostilities with the Horde. Also, a thief seems to have come around and stolen most of our clothing without our noticing.
In addition to the more known GS activity, there is also a large number of people doing dueling, showing off toys/mounts/transmog and just hanging out. In general people in GS are not hurting anyone and GS keeps things contained. I always keep WM on so I don’t see it but I guess some people like to go there just to hang out too. I mean, even Anduin in Shadows Rising went to Goldshire and found the barmaid attractive
I’m collecting blastoise’s and squirtles.
Anyone wanna trade a Kuriboh for my Dark Magician?
Put on the addon known as TRP it’s a roleplay addon. Go back there and read some profiles. Oh and if you see a pedophilic profile please report it.
Probably faster to list what people are NOT doing at GS Inn.
Since people haven’t really explained, I’ll fall on the sword and do so.
Some years ago, Goldshire, specifically the inn, became a hotbed of ERP (Erotic Roleplay). Some attribute this to a migration of people from the RP server Sisters of Elune, which years prior had an in-character brothel operating out of that same place, and thus set up shop in the inn again once they moved to Moon Guard.
This created something of a self-perpetuating cycle, in which people off-server who didn’t/don’t participate in anything else to do with MG would hear about the debauchery and general weirdness in Goldshire, make alts to go there, and thus attract more people. Streamers and Youtubers talking about and ‘exploring’ the place only added to that.
You shouldn’t, however, consider Goldshire to be an indication of the server as a whole.
You don’t wanna know. No. You don’t wanna know.
Ok but how are they actually ERPing? Whispers? Their own channel? Everyone is just silent and sitting in still. So are they just cybering via text? I’ve always wondered this myself lol.
Sidebar, how did the term “lifestyle guild” come to mean BDSM? And how do they celebrate BDSM kink in the game? Is that also through in game RP or is it something they do on Discord and just play WoW together?
Just questions I’ve always had but never thought of asking here.
Some people are roleplaying sex stuff, some people are dueling, some people are flirting for tips to pay for their WoW token. That’s what I’ve been able to gather.
Whatever it is it sure as hell isn’t necromancy.
I don’t even go to Goldshire and I’m sure as heck I don’t even want to know what they do in there…
Calling what people do there, ‘ERP,’ is paying them a compliment they don’t deserve. Cybering is closer to the mark.