For even more clarification since we had this glorious question show up.
Public ERP would fall under and against the CoC and ToS which would render that completely a bannable offense. They take the “character” they made and stand around for a few hours on end just either nonsense chatting, dueling outside of the Inn and, you guessed it.
It happens in either whisper or in party. More often than not, in party due to the fact that with whispers you do not end up accidentally mistyping to someone else. That and a majority of them are level 1 on a trial account there is also a report button for people with mature photos/links in their profile.
This I do not have an answer for. Lifestyle guilds generally accept everyone from what I’ve seen and try to take advantage of their guild members from what I heard when the cash/gold perk is/was still in-game. I believe one literally hit 1,000 members of mains, alts and randoms at one time and had to create another entire guild. Not sure if this happened on Moon Guard or not but it has happened.
Just my two copper.